A Second Chance

by oosha (oosha2@usa.net)

Archive: master_apprentice others please ask

Category: POV ?

Rating: PG.

Warnings: none

Spoilers: minor for TMP

Summary: A second chance is given

Feedback: yes, please, but be kind this is my first story ever. Disclaimer- Defiantly not mine wish they were but they belong to George Lucas.

Authors Notes: // obi-wan's thoughts * spirts voice this story is un-betaed so all mistakes are my falt plus I'm not a great speller so any spelling mistakes are that of my PC.

Obi-Wan deactivated his lightsaber. He knelt next to his master who lay on the ground mortally wounded.

"Master you will not die" whispered Obi-wan

Qui-gon struggled to breath "It's too late obi-wan" he gasped

//I won't let this happen to you my love//

"Promise.. me you will train the boy..."

//No...don't leave me//

Time seemed to freeze, suddenly a glowing presence of the force came before obi-wan.

*Would you chose to save him*

"who are you"

*It does not matter who I am. Would you choose to save him if you could.*

"Yes I would give my life to save him"

*That is not necessary. Do you love him?*

"With all my heart he is my soul"

*Then it shall be done. I will send you back to save him, back before you were separated.*

Obi-wan was surrounded by a blinding light.

Obi-wan was in the powercore fighting beside his master. He knew his mistake he would not let his master be killed be the vile Sith. When the dark creature threw the kick that would have separated Obi-wan from Qui-gon, he instead leaped over the black clad figure and thrust his saber through the sith. The double-bladed lightsaber the creature had been holding clattered to the floor deactivated. A look of pure shock played over the creatures tattooed face as he fell off the walkway.

Qui-gon and Obi-wan deactivated their sabers and stood together watching the creature fall. Then Obi-wan tuned to around to face his Master and cried. Qui-gon held his beloved when he started to cry.

"Why are you crying my Obi-wan"

"No reason..."

a light appeared above them and the voice Obi-wan thought he imagined was to be heard.

*You have saved him, good. Heed my advice the boy is what caused all of this. Neither of you can train him or he will turn and destroy all you have thought to protect. The battle has been won go in peace.. together.*


"There is no need to say anything my Obi-wan" Qui-gon wiped the tears away from his beloved's face and kissed him.

True to the spirits words the battle had been won. The Jedi Council had contacted Naboo to inform Qui-Gon on there change of plans. Anikin was to be trained but not by Qui-gon and the council decided Obi-wan was indeed ready to face his trials to become a knight.

Qui-gon and Obi-wan stood outside on the terrace of their room provided to them by the Queen, Things couldn't have turned out better beloved."

Obi-wan just smiled he loved held to be in Qui-gon's arms.

They stood there overlooking the city as the last of golden light of the sun set disappeared.

Obi-wan turned in his masters embrace "Qui-gon"

"hmm" he looked away from the beauty of the sunset to bask in the eternal beauty of his Obi-wan.

"I've been think about something for a long time."

"What is it beloved"

"Upon my knighting I..." Obi-wan found himself at a loss for words. He looked in to Qui-gon midnight blue eyes and found the words he sought. "Qui-gon will you do me the honor of life-bonding with me."

Now it was Qui-gon who was at a loss for words. He leaned forward and took his beloved's lips in a loving kiss.

"Yes, my Obi-wan"