Back to the first part...

Obi-Wan came out of his last class to find a young padawan wearing a Council page's tabard waiting by the door. He recognized her as a student from his astrophysics teaching rotation and greeted her warmly. "Good afternoon, Padawan Mydiet."

"Good afternoon, Padawan Kenobi," the Arkanian girl replied with a bright smile. "I have been instructed to accompany you to the Council chambers." When the older padawan nodded his agreement, she started down the hallway.

Fighting the influx of feelings that flowed through him, Obi-Wan silently followed the young Arkanian down the halls. Part of him wanted more time to prepare for this life-altering meeting while the rest of him was glad that they wouldn't have to endure any more days in this limbo they were in now. He released his anxiety to the Force and reached for his center. A brief mental probe told him that his Master was calm and serene even though he was already in the Council chamber. Grasping the pulse of reassurance that washed into his mind, he focused on his breathing for the remainder of the walk. By the time he reached the ornate double doors of the circular chamber, he was the epitome of Jedi serenity. With a final calming breath, he bowed to his young guide and entered through the doors that parted before him.

Obi-Wan could feel the intense stares of all twelve Councilors as he moved to the center of the circular room to take his standard position two steps behind and to the right of his Master. He was surprised to feel a hand at his elbow directing him forward to stand beside the older man. Emboldened by this show of solidarity before the inquisitive body, he moved close enough so that their arms touched and intertwined the fingers of his left hand with his Master's right. The fact that this gesture was readily accepted filled him with the certainty that whatever happened here, they would get through it together. They bowed in unison to the Masters and waited to be addressed.

Unsurprisingly, Mace Windu was the one who broke the silence. "Padawan Kenobi, your Master has informed us that the two of you would like to pursue a more intimate relationship," he said without inflection. "Is this so?"

"Yes, Master Windu," Obi-Wan replied politely. Although he wished to say more, he was experienced enough at these sessions to know that he was expected to only answer the question that was asked.

"Who initiated the conversation about these matters, Padawan?" Mace asked.

"I did, Master," Obi-Wan responded confidently. He had expected the questioning to move along these lines and stood tall as he awaited what he knew would follow.

"Explain please," the soft voice of Adi Gallia directed.

Releasing his Master's hand, Obi-Wan took a step forward and turned toward the Corellian Master. "The first time I told Qui-Gon that I was in love with him, I had just turned sixteen." He ignored the gasps that echoed through the room and continued. "He gently turned me away, explaining how easy it is for a padawan to misinterpret their feelings for their Master as something more. He told me that eventually my feelings would change and I would realize that it had been infatuation not love. He directed me to explore my sexual feelings with my yearmates and I soothed my broken heart with my friends." He glanced lovingly at his Master then moved on with his tale. "But my feelings only grew stronger. The condensed version is that eight times since that day I have gone to my Master to profess my love for him. Each time he has gently deflected me away from him and to my peers. Two days ago, I became aware that although he had never encouraged me in any way, he returns my feelings. I approached him again and this time he did not deny what exists between us." He stepped back to stand beside Qui-Gon and waited.

"How long have you had feelings for your apprentice, Master Jinn?" Saesee Tiin asked.

"I realized that I was in love with Obi-Wan about five years ago," Qui-Gon answered truthfully. "But I did not tell him of these feelings until two days ago."

"Are you certain you have done nothing over the years that would have given Obi-Wan reason to believe that you returned his feelings?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asked abruptly. "Could you have allowed your emotions to carry across the bond and affect his feelings? Given him unconscious signs that kept him from developing stronger attachments to any of his peers? The possibilities for coercion in a situation like this are endless," he added with a snort.

Qui-Gon could feel the outrage flowing from his apprentice at the Councilor's words and sent wave of reassurance to calm him. "I can assure you that my feelings and emotions were not transmitted to my padawan either consciously or unconsciously," he replied caustically.

"Over the years, have you discussed your feelings with anyone else? Someone who may have told your padawan?" Mundi questioned somewhat belligerently.

Mace Windu signaled for Qui-Gon to remain silent and addressed Mundi. "This attacking attitude serves no purpose. Qui-Gon has spoken to me on numerous occasions about his love for Obi-Wan and you can rest assured that those conversations remained private."

"I know that you are just trying to ensure that I am not being manipulated or pressured in this regard, Master Mundi, but I can assure you that I have not been, " Obi-Wan explained. "Even after I reached the age of majority, Qui-Gon still hid his feelings from me. If my Master had his way, I would have stayed unaware that he returned my feelings until after my knighting."

"Was that your original intent, Master Jinn? " Saesee Tiin queried.

"Yes, it was," Qui-Gon said honestly, "but I have come to understand that this is not the will of the Force." He took a moment to make eye contact with each member of the Council before adding confidently. "We are destined to be together in all ways. A deeper bond has already begun to form between us."

Yoda banged his gimer stick on the marble floor to quiet the murmurs from that admission then spoke for the first time. "Verified the depth of their bond, I have. Beginnings of a lifebond, it is."

Depa Billaba rose from her seat and moved to stand before the Master/Padawan pair. Since she was the only Council member to have first hand knowledge of a lifebond, the remaining councilors stayed silent as she studied the pair. Placing one hand on each man's head, she probed with the Force and searched for the rare marker that identified a lifebonded Jedi to any other. When she turned back to Master Yoda, a smile covered her face. "If the Council agrees, my bondmate and I would be willing to monitor Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi through the completion of the lifebond. I could keep the Council apprised of their progress. This way the Council could be assured that Padawan Kenobi is not being coerced while he and Master Jinn are allowed the privacy that they deserve." She turned back to face the men standing silently behind her. "Is that acceptable to you, Master Jinn?"

"Yes, that is quite acceptable, Master Billaba," Qui-Gon replied. "Thank you for being so considerate of our feelings."

"It is my pleasure and honor to be with you on this journey," Depa whispered to the two men before her before returning her attention to the room at large. "Are there any objections or concerns to proceeding in this manner?"

"Not with the bond itself but how do we insure that Padawan Kenobi's training does not suffer from this change in the dynamic of their relationship?" Eeth Koth queried in reply.

"Padawan Kenobi has continually ranked in the top percentage of his class since his days as an initiate," Mace responded. "Any fluctuation in his performance should be easily noticed."

The Council chamber was silent save for the buzz of telepathic communication for a few long moments. Obi-Wan looked steadily at Master Yoda while Qui-Gon stood with his eyes tightly closed. He opened them when Master Yoda began to speak.

"Decided it is. Proceed with the bond under Depa's direction, you may," Yoda said without preamble. He beckoned the men with a gnarly hand and they moved forward to kneel before him. "Good for each other, you will be. Good for the order, your bond will be." Covering each head with a weathered hand, he intoned softly. "Draw strength from each other and from the Force, you must. Two joined together always stronger than two apart. May the Force be with you."

The session broke up as the Councilors left their seats and moved to congratulate the two men. Qui-Gon was surprised to find himself pull aside by Ki-Adi-Mundi. "I did not mean to question your integrity, my friend. I just had to be certain that Obi-Wan came to you of his own volition. May your bond bring you only peace and joy."

"I understand and appreciate your concern for my apprentice, Ki," Qui-Gon said. "I would willingly sacrifice my future if it was in his best interest."

One by one the Councilors left the chamber until only Mace Windu and Yoda remained with them. With Qui-Gon talking animatedly with Yoda, Mace used the opportunity to speak privately to Obi-Wan. "Your Master is placing his reputation and his heart on the line to pursue an intimate relationship with you, Obi-Wan. You can honor his commitment to you by not allowing anything to occur that will cause his dedication to you to be questioned."

Obi-Wan met Mace Windu's gaze with unwavering intensity. "No one will find cause to question the wisdom of this path. I am committed to both my Master and my training. I will not fail him."

Yoda could see that Qui-Gon was watching the interaction between his apprentice and his friend carefully. "Good friend to you, Mace has always been. Good it is for your padawan to see that others care for you."

Qui-Gon chuckled at he watched Obi-Wan meet Mace's gaze without flinching. Only his padawan would stand toe to toe with one of the Council's most intimidating members. "I should go and rescue Mace before Obi-Wan feels he needs to defend me. Thank you for your support, my Master."

"Go to your bondmate. Speak to you soon, I will," Yoda said as he headed for the door.

Qui-Gon crossed the room to join Mace and Obi-Wan. "Telling my padawan all my secrets, Mace," he said with a smirk.

"No, that's Elijah's department, not mine. Wait until Elijah hears this little piece of news," Mace returned with a wink.

"I have no doubt that the Temple grapevine will ensure that the change in our relationship will be common knowledge by sunset," Qui-Gon said dryly.

"I could arrange a mission if you'd like. A team is needed on Hoth to do climactic surveys," Mace offered.

Qui-Gon chuckled as he saw a shudder pass through Obi-Wan at the thought. "I think we'll take our chances here." His demeanor suddenly became serious and he placed his hand on the dark skinned Master's shoulder. "Thank you for your support, today and over the years. Your friendship has sustained me through some very difficult periods in my life."

"As yours has for me," Mace said softly. "Remember that the next time you are annoyed with one of my Council decisions," he added with a smile. "Now go and spend some time with Obi-Wan. I'm sure you have much to discuss." He walked the two men from the chamber and accompanied them a short way down the hall, stopping when he reached his office. Palming open the door, he couldn't resist a final comment. "If you haven't surfaced in a week, I'll send Elijah to drag you out."

With that comment the door closed, leaving the two men alone in the hallway. Qui-Gon looked intently at Obi-Wan, trying to gauge the spark of emotion that had come from his apprentice at the mention of his friend's name. Was it anger or could it have been jealousy? "Padawan, do you have a problem with Master Santee?" he queried.

Color bloomed in Obi-Wan's face as he mentally chided himself for allowing his emotions to escape but before he could come up with some kind of explanation, his Master spoke again.

"You have every right to your feelings, Obi-Wan, but these kinds of thoughts are very unlike you," Qui-Gon soothed. "Tell me what has caused this," he asked as he directed them into a private alcove further down the hallway.

Knowing that soon there would be no secrets between them, Obi-Wan steeled his resolve and spoke. "When you were talking with Master Santee the other night, I heard him proposition you. I couldn't believe he was actually suggesting that you have sex with him especially since you were discussing your feelings for me. The thought of you sharing yourself that way with someone else when you wouldn't with me..." His voice faded and he looked down and took a moment to organize his thoughts. "It hurt to think that he would suggest it or that you would consider it."

Taking the cleft chin in his palm, Qui-Gon lifted his padawan's face so that he could look into his eyes. "I assume you did not stay long enough to hear my reply." When Obi-Wan nodded he continued. "I told him in no uncertain terms that I was not interested. I explained that if he wanted us to remain friends, he would not bring up the topic again. My love for you is strong and I do not want to share myself casually, my Padawan. I have been perfectly willing to forgo physical intimacy until I could be with you."

Guilt flowed through Obi-Wan. "I should have been stronger..."

"Don't," Qui-Gon interrupted. "Exploring one's sexuality is a very important part of growing up. You needed to have those experiences to develop into the man you have become." He kissed the tip of Obi-Wan's nose. "I had my share of youthful escapades with a good number of partners. I do not regret them and neither should you. If I know my padawan at all, you were probably very honest with your partners about where your heart truly lay. True?" The deeper blush on his apprentice's cheeks answered the question for him.

Qui-Gon stood and pulled the younger man to his feet. "How about some exercise? Not that kind," he added quickly when he saw the hope in Obi-Wan's eyes. "How about we head down to the training salles and see if we can find a free room."

"Having you run me ragged in the training room is just what I need to burn off all this pent up frustration," Obi-Wan agreed dryly.

The two men reached the training area in a matter of moments. Grabbing workout clothes from their lockers, they quickly changed and found that one of the larger rooms, perfect for the aerial maneuvers that Obi-Wan loved, was currently unused. With lightsabers still attached to their belts, they went through numerous stretches and the first two opened handed katas until they were fully limbered.

Standing face to face in the center of the training room, Obi-Wan bowed formally to his Master. "May we execute Avolition of the Rishii?" After seeing the kata performed by two bonded Knights at a competition the previous year, he found out that the last pair to perform it had been his Master and Master Santee when they were still young Knights. Always pushing his abilities, he had approached one of the Knights and set out to learn the aerial segments of this difficult pair's kata. Once he had become proficient at them, he had gone to his Master and asked if they could work on it together.

Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow as he studied his apprentice. This was a long and very challenging routine that they had only begun working on a few months before. Considering all that had occurred in the past few days, he wasn't sure if Obi-Wan was centered enough for this particular kata. "Feeling ambitious this afternoon, my Padawan?"

"Just doing my part to assure the Council that my training won't suffer," Obi-Wan replied with a smirk. At the stern look from Qui-Gon, he answered more candidly. "Seriously, this kata allows us to come together seamlessly as a unit. Since we cannot explore physical intimacy, I thought it would allow us an opportunity to share ourselves with each other."

After probing gently to ensure that his apprentice was centered properly for this endeavor, Qui-Gon acquiesced. Bowing formally in return, he took his saber hilt in hand and said softly, "let us begin."

In a blur of motion, two lightsabers were ignited and the dance began. Obi-Wan was fully up to the challenge, flowing from one motion into another with the grace and style that made him such an avid duelist. He played the role of the escaping Rishii beautifully, flipping and soaring like he was really a member of an avian race. Qui-Gon fell into the predator role just as easily, stalking and luring his winged prey into trap after trap. The Force flowed between them, an almost visual pattern of tiny threads that bound their beings together.

The two men were so absorbed in the flow of the kata and each other that they were unaware that they had gathered a sizable audience. The benches on the edge of the room were filling rapidly. The first watchers were the group of young padawans who had come to the room for their scheduled class. Knowing that there was no better training than this display, their teacher had motioned them to silently sit down and watch. As the eddies of the Force expanded, older padawans, Knights and Masters were drawn to the room and sat mesmerized at the sight. Word had spread quickly within the Temple halls and almost fifty people were watching by the time the routine was completed.

As the routine came to a close and awareness of their surroundings returned, Qui-Gon realized that they were no longer alone. Eyes closed, kneeling over the spent form of his downed prey, he fought back the smile that would have surfaced and sent a mental caution. Don't look now, my Padawan, but it seems we managed to drawn an audience.

Extending his Force sense outward, Obi-Wan could feel the sense of awe that ran through the watchers. Finding a few familiar presences among them, he chuckled silently. Looks like my original idea of assuring the Council may be an unplanned benefit, Master. I can sense Masters Windu, Gallia, Koth, Mundi and Rancisis among the crowd.

Along with Bant, Garen, Pa'Uul, and a few more of your yearmates. Looks like we won't have to go to far to share our news, Qui-Gon sent. Clapping had begun to echo from the bench area and was rising significantly in volume. Opening his eyes, he held a hand out to Obi-Wan and they rose to their feet together. Turning to gaze the viewers, they simultaneously executed flourished bows. Before they could leave the training room, well wishers surrounded them.

The teacher from the padawan class was the first to reach them. "I know this wasn't an open session but I hope you don't mind that I let the children watch, Master Jinn. It isn't very often that they get to see a display of this caliber," Saber-master Reniud said sincerely. Turning to Obi-Wan, he added. "You have come a long way since your days in my beginning class, Padawan Kenobi. You are a role-model that my class will be discussing for days to come."

"Thank you, Master Reniud," Obi-Wan replied with a half-bow.

"We were glad to provide the motivation, Master Reniud. Just be sure that your students don't try to mimic Obi-Wan's moves," Qui-Gon chuckled. "I am on shaky enough ground with the Healing Masters as it is without an influx of injuries that they can trace back to this performance." Attaching his lightsaber to his belt, he started for the bench area. "Let's clear off the floor so Master Reniud can conduct his class." The group followed him and he found himself face to face with Eeth Koth.

"That was quite an amazing display you and your apprentice put on, Qui-Gon," Eeth said. "Young Kenobi will be a formidable Knight if he continues on this path."

"Nothing or no one will stand in the way of Obi-Wan's knighthood," Qui-Gon said intently. He moved off to speak to Mace when he noticed Obi-Wan talking with his friends.

As he moved off the exercise floor, Obi-Wan found himself surrounded and led away by his friends. He was not surprised when the first question had nothing to do with the kata.

"No one has seen you outside of class for the past two days, Kenobi. What gives?" Pa'Uul asked.

Knowing that he wanted his friends to hear it from him and not through Temple gossip, Obi-Wan explained carefully. "Qui-Gon and I talked after my classes yesterday. He finally admitted that he returns my feelings and explained his concerns and hesitation. We met with Master Yoda last night and with the full Council this afternoon." He looked to his Master for reassurance and as the wave of love flowed into him he said. "Master Yoda verified that we have the beginning of a lifebond. We will be allowed to complete the bond under the supervision of the Council."

Bant pulled Obi-Wan into a hug with Garen and Pa'Uul soon joining in. "I'm so happy for you, Obi," she bubbled to her closest friend. "I knew that eventually you would be together."

"Looks like the other night was more successful than you thought," Pa'Uul teased as he patted his friend on the back.

"I definitely opened the door for conversation," Obi-Wan replied with a smirk. He pulled his two male friends closer and said sincerely. "Thank you both for everything you did to help me the other night. I seriously doubt that I would have stayed sane if I'd had to wait until my knighting."

A short time later, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan gathered their belongings and left the training area for their quarters. Knowing that there would be no privacy at the communal showers, they opted for their comfort of their own facilities. The presence of a padawan in front of their door surprised them.

"Master Jinn?" the young Ho'Din asked. At the nod, he handed two datapads to the older man. "I am delivering these for Master Billaba. She would like you to contact her after you have read the material," he said politely.

"Thank you, Padawan," Qui-Gon replied. When the Ho'Din left, he palmed open the door and they entered.

Obi-Wan dropped into the first chair he reached. "Your plan to exhaust me worked well, Master. I don't think I have enough energy to even shower."

"Young people these days, so easily tired," Qui-Gon tisked. "Maybe I should send you for a nap before late meal."

"Only if you'll join me," Obi-Wan countered without thought. When he realized what he had said, he looked up at his Master sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Don't ever apologize for being yourself, my Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon replied. "Now get off your lazy butt to shower and prepare dinner. I find that all that exercise has made me ravenous."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan said less than enthusiastically. He rose, gathered up the pile of clothing he had dropped on the floor and headed to his room. 'And the Council was concerned that Master would be too easy on me if we became lovers. As if that would ever happen,' he groused silently.

Will meditations on obedience and attitude be in order after our meal, Padawan? Qui-Gon teased mentally.

No, Master. I am ever your obedient Padawan, Obi-Wan sent half-mockingly.

Impudent brat, Qui-Gon sent with a wave of affection.

Hearing his apprentice start the shower, Qui-Gon sat back and focused his full attention on the information on the datapad. Reading through the personal note that Depa had placed before the information, he was again glad that the bonded Councilor was going to mentor them. He did not know too much about soulbonds or lifebonds but he was aware that most began to form during physical intimacy. He had never heard of a bond starting before the couple had become lovers.

The note told him that both datapads contained the same information, everything that Depa had compiled from the archives since she and Master Eimath had begun the process of formalizing their bond. As he read, he was peripherally aware that Obi-Wan was now in the kitchen. The information was engrossing. Qui-Gon had not realized how many nuances were involved in completing the lifebond. He was so involved in what he was reading, that he started when he heard Obi-Wan call to him from the kitchen.

"Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes, Master," his apprentice called out. "If you plan on showering first, you'd better do it now."

Qui-Gon put aside the datapad and headed for the refresher. He came into the kitchen just as Obi-Wan was placing the plates on the table. "Good timing, Master," his apprentice said as he poured tea into their mugs. Settling into his chair, he dove energetically into the meal that lay before him.

During dinner, Qui-Gon gave Obi-Wan a quick overview of the information that Depa had sent them. After they finished eating, he sent his padawan into the common room to begin reading the information for himself while he cleaned up. Obi-Wan was sprawled across the sofa still reading avidly when he finished, so he headed for the holonet unit to contact Depa. He inputted the comm code and waited for the image to materialize.

Accepting the intra Temple transmission, Master Ni-Dor Eimath was pleased to see the image of his yearmate Qui-Gon Jinn. "Good evening, Qui-Gon. Depa tells me that congratulations are in order for you and your padawan," he greeted warmly.

"Thank you, Ni-Dor," Qui-Gon replied. "I also truly appreciate the commitment that you and Depa are making to see us through this. I never realized how much was involved to ensure that a lifebond develops fully stable.

"From what Depa tells me your bond is unusual to say the least. I hope I'm not getting too personal but is it true that the bond has begun even though you have not been intimate?" Ni-Dor asked.

"True enough. It seems that I am ever the rebel, even in this my friend," Qui-Gon replied with a smile. "Is Depa available?"

"Not at the moment. She's meeting with the Initiate curriculum committee," Ni-Dor replied. "If it's urgent, I can contact her," he offered.

"No, just ask her to contact me in the morning," Qui-Gon said. "I would like to arrange a meeting."

"Depa and I have cleared our schedules for tomorrow afternoon," Ni-Dor explained. "Would afternoon work with Obi-Wan's class schedule?"

"His last class ends at 1300," Qui-Gon replied.

"How about 1400? We could meet in your quarters if that's acceptable," Ni-Dor said. "I think being someplace where you are both comfortable would be an advantage."

"1400 in our quarters will be fine. Thank you Ni-Dor," Qui-Gon said sincerely.

"One more thing, Qui-Gon. How strong is the compulsion to consummate the bond and how are you both managing against it?" Ni-Dor asked hesitantly.

Qui-Gon chuckled at his friend's combination of embarrassment and concern. "I am handling it better than Obi-Wan, I think. But I have also been celibate for the past four years so I'm used to the denial. We are substituting other means of mental and physical closeness but I don't think he will make it more than a couple more days." He blew out a heavy sign as he added. "The pull of the bond is getting stronger by the hour."

"Have Obi-Wan let his instructors know tomorrow that he won't be in classes for the next two days," Ni-Dor instructed. "There is no need for you to continue to deny yourselves. We'll discuss it more tomorrow."

"Until tomorrow, then" Qui-Gon said as he ended the transmission. He let out a sigh of relief that the end to their abstinence was almost at hand. He left the comm station and went to join his bondmate in the common room.

Obi-Wan felt his Master enter the room and looked up from his reading to greet him. "Finished already?"

"It's been over an hour, Padawan. Looks like that information is holding your interest," Qui-Gon teased.

"Then where have you been?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I commed Master Billaba but she was in a meeting. I spoke to her bondmate, Master Eimath," Qui-Gon explained. "Do you remember him, Padawan?"

"I think you introduced me to him during the 'Plants and the Living Force' essay competition right after we returned from Telos," Obi-Wan reminisced. "He's a botanist and was one of the judges if I remember correctly."

"That's right. We will be meeting with them at 1400 hours tomorrow, here," Qui-Gon informed him. "Are you comfortable with that, Padawan?"

"I think I'll find it easier to ask my questions in the privacy of our quarters, Master," Obi-Wan agreed. "And after reading through this information, I have a number of questions."

Qui-Gon shifted Obi-Wan's legs so that he could take a seat on the sofa beside him. He settled the bare feet back into his lap and looked intently into those serious gray-green eyes. "I can probably answer the most pressing one. Inform your teachers tomorrow that you will not be in your classes for the next two days."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened in amazement as his Master's words registered. "You mean that we will be allowed...." He didn't bother to finish the sentence, tossing aside the datapad and throwing himself into Qui-Gon's arms as the older man smiled and nodded. "Tomorrow?" he asked hopefully.

Cradling the younger man to his chest, Qui-Gon spoke softly in his ear. "Possibly. We will know more after our meeting." He could feel the slight shudders running through Obi-Wan and he traced soothing circles over his back. "The pull of bond has become much more powerful for both of us. Take heart in the knowledge that we won't be apart much longer."

"I'll try," Obi-Wan breathed. He pulled out of that comforting but arousing grasp and fought to control his body's reaction. "I really should review my notes for the philosophy exam I have in the morning." He pressed a chaste kiss to Qui-Gon's lips then rose from the sofa. "The only way I may actually be able to concentrate is if I move to the solitude of my room," he said in dismay.

"Go, study. I need to review the additional data on the Dinoran Treaty." Qui-Gon reached out, took one of Obi-Wan's hands in his own and squeezed gently. "We will meditate once you have completed your studies."

The night proceeded much like the previous one. After Obi-Wan finished studying, the two men shared meditation, tea and prepared for bed. Not even considering spending the night alone, Obi-Wan came into Qui-Gon's room, slid eagerly into the large bed and his Master's arms. They cuddled together and exchanged passionate kisses until they were both gasping for breath. Feeling his Padawan's deep struggle to control his arousal, Qui-Gon sought to sooth him. "I'm sorry, my own. I should not have allowed my own control to falter. Sleep now. If all goes well, tonight will be the last time we have to bank our passions." A Force suggestion accompanied the words and he could feel Obi-Wan's breathing begin to slow. Pulling the drowsy body against him, he worked to quiet his own body and mind. Between the information on the datapad and his conversation with Ni-Dor, there was so much to consider that for Qui-Gon Jinn sleep was a long time coming.

Qui-Gon came awake as the first light of day came into the bedroom. Disentangling himself carefully from Obi-Wan, he was able to leave the bed without waking him. Walking out onto the balcony where he meditated for so many hours two nights before, he watched the sun slowly rise over the Coruscant landscape. The changes that had occurred since that night were truly amazing and things would change even more tonight if everything went as expected. Staring intently at the lightening sky, he opened himself more fully to the Living Force. It pulsed through him with such a sense of rightness that the last of his anxieties fell away. He sat in the worn wooden chair and dropped into light meditation, feeling completely confident that he and Obi-Wan were following the Force's chosen path.

Obi-Wan came awake to wonderful smells coming in from the kitchen. By the time he showered, dressed and got to the table, Qui-Gon was in the common room, draping his cloak over his shoulders. "Master?" he asked in confusion.

Qui-Gon chuckled as he looked at his apprentice. "Unlike you, Padawan, I did not sleep half the morning away. As a result, I broke my fast an hour ago and am now going to a committee meeting on the Dinoran situation which will probably last most of the morning." Moving back into the kitchen, he pulled Obi-Wan into his arms and kissed him gently. "I will meet you back here after your classes. Don't forget to inform your teachers that you will be absent for two days," he teased.

"After six years of waiting, there is no way I could possibly forget that, my Master," Obi-Wan said wryly. He took Qui-Gon's mouth in a probing kiss, pulling away only when the need for air became critical. "Any doubts?"

"None whatsoever," Qui-Gon replied. With a warm smile, he left the kitchen and headed to the door. "Until later, my Obi-Wan," he said affectionately as the door opened and he stepped through it.

Dropping into a wooden chair, Obi-Wan dug into the assortment of breakfast favorites that filled his plate. He ate absently, his mind already filling with enchanting possibilities for later in the day. After indulging his fantasies for a short time, he cleared his dishes and collected the items he needed for his classes. The smile that covered his face as he left for the academic halls rivaled the morning sun.

Obi-Wan entered their quarters after his classes to find a pot of tea and a light lunch sitting on the low table while his Master knelt a few feet away in deep meditation. After putting away his datapads, he sat on the floor, eating his lunch and watching Qui-Gon intently. The older man's body was unearthly still even as his mind was fully opened to the currents of the Force. He could feel the peace radiating from his Master and it calmed him immensely. Food abandoned, he knelt facing Qui-Gon, knees touching, and slowed his breathing. Once it was in sync with his Master's, he extended along the bond and joined him in meditation.

The sound of the door chime brought the men from their meditations and Qui-Gon opened it with a wave of his hand. They rose to their feet and moved to greet their guests. "Good afternoon Depa, Ni-Dor. We can't thank you enough for assisting us with the bond," Qui-Gon said sincerely as he and Obi-Wan bowed respectfully.

"It is our pleasure and honor to be your shepherds on this journey," Depa replied formally.

Qui-Gon directed the two Masters to take seats in the common room then turned to his padawan. "Obi-Wan, would you please make a fresh pot of tea before we begin." The younger man gathered the items from the low table and moved into the kitchen without a word. Noticing the leather case that Ni-Dor has placed by his chair, Qui-Gon looked at his friend. "What is that? Something we will need?" he asked as he motioned to it.

"A precaution only," Ni-Dor replied. "It's a portable shield. With the bond already partially developed, the intensity of your joining may leave you unable to shield fully. This will insure that everything that occurs between you and Obi-Wan will remain private and not be broadcasted to the populace of the Temple," he added with a smirk.

The three Masters were laughing softly when Obi-Wan reentered the common room with the tea tray. "Care to share the joke or am I too young?" he asked wryly.

Not deeming to give the padawan an answer, Depa looked up at Qui-Gon and smiled. "No deference or intimidation in this one, Qui-Gon. You may have trained him a bit too well for your own good."

"That thought has occurred to me on more than one occasion over the past few days, Depa," Qui-Gon conceded. "I must have faith that a Master's experience and cunning will win out over a padawan's youth and vigor."

"Would you like me to leave the room, Masters?" Obi-Wan said indignantly. He deposited the tray on the table, filled four mugs and handed one to each of the Masters politely even as he spoke the caustic words. Taking his own mug, he positioned himself cross-legged on the floor at Qui-Gon's feet and waited for one of the Masters to speak.

Depa ended the pause caused by Obi-Wan's words by addressing him. "Assuming you have read through the material on lifebonds I provided, you are aware that a lifebond usually begins to form in the aftermath of an intimate relationship. The way the bond between you and your Master originated is almost unheard of. As a result, special care will need to be taken as you move forward along this path." Gazing intently at the two men, she continued to explain. "As Ni-Dor told you last night, Qui-Gon, there is no reason to deny yourselves the intimacy you seek any longer. A few steps will just need to be taken to ensure that there are no residual ill effects."

"Ill effects?" Qui-Gon repeated in obvious concern. His first responsibility to Obi-Wan was as his Master and he would not allow them to move forward if there was any possibility that his padawan could be negatively affected. He placed his hand protectively on the neck of the young man seated at his feet as he waited for an explanation.

"As I mentioned before, your ability to shield properly may be compromised," Ni-Dor responded calmly. "I will activate the shield in your quarters once we leave here this afternoon. It will prevent any outpouring of your emotions to seep into the Temple and it will also keep your privacy from being unintentionally violated by anyone."

Depa took up the explanation when her bondmate paused. "There is one additional precaution I would like to take but only if you both fully consent. After seeing the depth of the spontaneous bond in the Council chamber, I have concerns that there may be inequity as your minds join together. You have a Master's strength and experience, Qui-Gon, and as such your mind is much more powerful. Although Obi-Wan is a very self assured young man, his mind does not have the mental fortitude of yours and it is possible that you could overwhelm him."

Obi-Wan sat up straighter and his gaze became very protective. "I trust my Master implicitly, Master Billaba. I have no concerns that he could do anything that would cause me harm."

"Not knowingly, Obi-Wan," Depa reassured, "but the power of his mind as the bond strives for completion may be more than you can handle."

All will be well, beloved, Qui-Gon sent reassuringly as his thumb traced small circles on the back of his padawan's neck. But we must not take any unnecessary risks and should take every precaution to ensure that the bond forms properly. Our happiness and stability until we are one with the Force and beyond will be directly affected by our actions here. Ending his mental conversation, he turned back into Depa's knowing gaze. "Sorry, please continue."

"No apology needed," Depa replied. "As lifebonded Jedi ourselves, it is possible for Ni-Dor and I to create temporary links with your minds to monitor you during the bonding process. We could accomplish this even with the shield in place." At the look of horror that crossed Obi-Wan's face, she hurriedly continued. "We would not intrude on your thoughts or emotions and would not be aware of anything that is occurring physically between you."

"Our only consideration would be to monitor the bond to see that it is forming properly and the balance between your minds remains in sync," Ni-Dor added.

Although the look of horror had faded from his padawan's face, Qui-Gon could see that he still had serious reservations about this idea. "As much as this must be a mutual decision, I think that we should consent to have Masters Billaba and Eimath form the temporary bonds and monitor us." When the younger man attempted to interrupt, he silenced him. "Hear me out, Obi-Wan. Although you are the person more at risk here, I know I would be devastated if I caused you any pain or injury, permanent or temporary, during the consummation of the bond. Perhaps you should take some time to meditate on this before making a decision. Search your heart and be sure that you are making your choice for the right reasons."

The stares of the Masters weighed heavily upon him and Obi-Wan knew he couldn't make a decision like this. Rising fluidly from his position on the floor, he bowed reverently to the Masters and said softly. "If you would excuse me for a few moments, I need some time to think about this."

Qui-Gon watched with a touch of pride as his padawan moved from the common room to his, or more correctly their, bedroom. He sense the younger man stop for a moment, possibly at the bed, then moved onto the small balcony. He sent a tendril of love and reassurance over their deepened bond before pulling back to allow Obi-Wan his privacy. When he turned back, Depa was smiling at him.

"Obi-Wan is a remarkable young man, Qui-Gon," Depa said with conviction. "There aren't many men his age who would approach a life altering decision like this with such maturity. He is not allowing his desires to rule him. I can see why he is so special to you."

"He is a treasure that I thank the Force for every day," Qui-Gon answered with a hitch in his voice. Times like this made him painfully aware of how miserable his life would have been if Obi-Wan hadn't finally broken through his barriers nine years ago. Not wanting to discuss anything of importance with Obi-Wan absent, he turned the conversation away from the bond. "So how did your curriculum meeting go, Depa?"

Obi-Wan's mind was racing as he leaned against the balcony railing and looked out at the traffic flying by. He struggled to push back his apprehension and look at the information logically. He knew he could trust Masters Billaba and Eimath to monitor them only as much as necessary but even that seemed an invasion. After six years of waiting to make love with Qui-Gon, he wanted the total privacy that this intimate joining deserved. He wanted to explore every inch of his Master's body and wanted his Master to return the favor with no concern other than their mutual pleasure. Even as the thought formed, he sighed at the realization that what he wished was not possible, at least the first time. This first lovemaking would be instrumental in anchoring the lifebond's development and as such the act itself would be almost secondary to the mind communion they were seeking.

Happy that it had only taken him a few minutes of solitary contemplation to come to realize what his Master had known instinctively, he returned to the common room. He knelt at Qui-Gon's feet and relayed the result of his moments of solitude. "I understand now that the priority has to be the successful completion of our lifebond. If having Masters Billaba and Eimath monitor us will ensure that it forms with strength and equity, then that is what we must do." He gazed deeply into those intense blue eyes and added mentally. I should have trusted that you would always choose that path that is best for me, my Master.

Qui-Gon caressed the smooth cheek and answered his apprentice verbally. "I could have just made the decision for both of us but you will be more comfortable with the process now that you have come to realize on your own that this is the proper path." Mentally he added, I was confident that you would come to the correct decision, Padawan.

"I have a few more questions before we move forward," Depa said. "I have sensed that you are able to communicate telepathically but how developed is that ability?"

"We are able to communicate fully for a distance of about three hundred meters," Qui-Gon explained. "We can sense strong emotions and approximate location much further, with the greatest distance we've ever used it being about eight hundred kilometers."

Depa smiled at the two men and asked, "have you tested the distance since you realized the lifebond has formed?" When Qui-Gon shook his head, she added. "If you're willing, I like to test it before you go any further. Obi-Wan, would you take a pedometer and head out into the Temple. Qui-Gon, I would like you to carry on a full mental conversation with your padawan. I would like to note the distance when you can no longer hear Obi-Wan and when he can no longer hear you. Acceptable?"

After a quick dash into his room, Obi-Wan moved to the door. "I could use the exercise," he chuckled. With a broad grin, he headed out the door and down the hallway.

The two other Masters watched as Qui-Gon conversed mentally with his padawan. Every few minutes, Qui-Gon would relay a distance update and Depa shot a surprised look at Ni-Dor when he got to one thousand meters. At fifteen hundred meters, he told them he could no longer hear Obi-Wan's words but could sense that his apprentice could still hear him and was moving further away.

Qui-Gon turned his attention back to the other Masters when he felt Obi-Wan change direction. "He is returning. It will be interesting to learn how far away he was." He could see the incredulous looks he was getting and asked, "what?"

Ni-Dor answered with a smile. "Depa and I had been bonded almost a month before we could communicate at fifteen hundred meters."

"How far can you communicate now?" Qui-Gon asked as he pushed back his surprise. The two Masters had been bonded almost five standard years.

"If were are on the same planet from almost anywhere and from subspace if we are approaching the planet were the other is," Ni-Dor replied.

Further discussion was put off as Obi-Wan entered the quarters. "About twenty-three hundred meters, Masters," he informed them.

"It seems like we are continuing to challenge standard precedents, my Padawan," Qui-Gon laughed.

"Do either of you have any questions before we create them temporary links?" Depa inquired.

"Why is it necessary that I miss two days of classes? I can understand tomorrow, as I don't plan on wasting any of this precious night sleeping but beyond that," Obi-Wan asked with a haughty grin.

"Such youthful enthusiasm. I fear for you, old friend," Ni-Dor chuckled as he winked at Qui-Gon, then responded to the younger man's question. "You will need time together to allow the bond to stabilize. It will be stressful to be apart during that time so the closer you remain physically, the easier it will be."

With a smoldering look at Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan replied seriously. "Then I will have to insure that we are physically connected at all times."

"Just remember that your Master is an old man and may not be able to keep pace with your vigor," Ni-Dor returned with a grin.

Not deeming to comment on the teasing byplay, Qui-Gon voice his more serious concern, "Is there anything else we can do to ensure that the bond forms equitably?"

"While you are making love, the bond will be pushing for a deeper connection," Depa explained. When you reach for each other mentally, do not push further into your partner's mind than they have progressed into yours. This will insure that the bond forms properly. This is mainly what Ni-Dor and I will be monitoring. Once we've formed the temporary links, we will show you how you will recognize our mental touch. If we feel that things are not proceeding as they should we will probe you until you respond."

"Let's proceed with the links," Qui-Gon directed. "I will monitor Obi-Wan while you create your link with him and then Ni-Dor can create one with me." He extended along their bond and focused all his attention into his padawan's mind.

"First and foremost a Master," Depa said affectionately. "Padawan, please kneel in front of me." Obi-Wan immediately complied and she placed a hand on each temple and closed her eyes. The probe began like the previous day in the council chamber then focused on a specific spot in his mind. In much less time than he expected, Depa removed her hands and opened her eyes. "Do you feel anything?" When he shook his head, she smiled. "Good. You should feel nothing unless I directly probe you or you specifically access the link." She closed her eyes again and directed a pulse across the link.

"I felt that, Master Billaba," Obi-Wan exclaimed. "Is that what it will always feel like?"

"Yes, Obi-Wan, though if you're too distracted by other things I may have to be a bit more forceful," Depa teased. She laughed as she watched a blush color the young man's cheeks. "Now, reach into the link and contact me the same way." She watched and waited as the intense green eyes darkened in concentration. After a few moments, she felt a light probe against the link. "Push mentally as if you are trying to Force push something," she added and almost immediately felt the stronger pulse. "Perfect. You learn quickly, Padawan Kenobi."

"Especially when I'm provided with such compelling motivation," Obi-Wan replied wryly.

Depa felt Qui-Gon pull his awareness back from his apprentice's mind and turned to him. "Any questions about the process?"

"It's straightforward enough," Qui-Gon began, "I'm just surprised that I never knew this type of link could be created. A Council secret?"

"A lifebonded secret," Depa replied with a warm smile. "Though a few on the Council have knowledge of it, this is a skill passed on from one lifebonded couple to another during the shepherding process. Hopefully someday you'll have the pleasure of mentoring another couple and passing along the knowledge."

The thought of helping another pair achieve the level of intimacy he and Obi-Wan were striving for filled his heart with joy. "That would be a gift," Qui-Gon said sincerely. "Only now do I truly understand what you meant in the chamber." He moved to sit on his haunches by Ni-Dor's chair and said. "Shall we proceed?"

Within moments, the link was created between the two Masters and each sent a trial pulse through it. Once finished, Qui-Gon rose to his feet and placed his arm firmly around Obi-Wan's waist. "Anything else we need to know?"

The sound of the door chime forestalled the answer and Qui-Gon was surprised to see Ni-Dor moved towards it. When it slid opened, the young Ho-Din padawan from the previous afternoon stood there behind a dining hall cart. "Wonderful, Padawan. You are arriving just in time," Ni-Dor said with a pleasant smile.

Qui-Gon gave his friend a questioning look. "Your padawan, Ni-Dor?"

Ni-Dor chuckled. "Who else but an academic botanist to train a young Ho'Din. Isn't that right Baji?"

"Yes, Master," Baji responded politely as he pushed the cart into the room.

"Just set it in the kitchen, Padawan," Ni-Dor instructed. "I figured planning for meals would be the furthest thing from either of your minds, so I had the cooks prepare a few things for you. There should be enough food for a couple of days."

"Thank you. Lack of food would have been a problem at some point since my apprentice still has the appetite of a teenager," Qui-Gon said with a grin.

Obi-Wan leaned closer to his Master and whispered, "in more ways than one."

"I think that's our cue to leave," Ni-Dor said. Collecting the leather bag by the sofa, he quickly set up the portable shield and explained to both men how to operate it. With the flick of a switch the shield was engaged and the normal mental echo of the Temple faded from their minds. "You can disengage the shield if you are not intimately occupied."

Ni-Dor wrapped his arm around Depa's waist and moved through the door. "Come Padawan," he called as they entered the hallway.

"Keep a comm link within reach in case you need anything," Depa added. "Otherwise, we will meet again in two days to check on the status of the bond. May the Force be with you." She and Ni-Dor bowed formally as she uttered the last phrase.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan returned the formal bow then spoke in unison. "Thank you both, for everything."

They stood in the doorway, with an arm wrapped around each other's waists until the trio disappeared around a curve. Qui-Gon pulled his padawan the two steps back in the room then engaged the privacy lock as the door slid closed behind him. Raising his free hand to the younger man's cheek, he whispered. "My Obi-Wan." Emotion filled his blue eyes as they met his padawan's. "What do you want, love?"

"Everything," Obi-Wan said as he pressed into the hand on his face. Turning to face the older man, he leaned forward and brushed the inviting lips with his. Pulling back, he smiled. "I realize that this is a rather ambitious request so maybe we should just see where this path leads."

"Very astute, my Padawan," Qui-Gon replied. "Would you like to dine first?"

"Only if you do. My hunger is for very different things," the younger man smirked.

"Why don't you put away the food that Depa and Ni-Dor so thoughtfully provided for us. If things go as I plan, we will both need the nourishment later," Qui-Gon requested. "Meet me in my, I mean our, room once you have finished."

Obi-Wan matched the lustful look in those darkening blue eyes with one of his own. "As you wish, my Master."

Qui-Gon pulled his padawan into his arms and looked intently at him. "Not your Master in this, Obi-Wan. This is one area where you are not obliged to follow where I lead. I must be certain that you understand this. In this we are equals, lovers sharing their hearts and souls with each other."

Obi-Wan pulled back the teasing comment on his lips when he saw the concern in Qui-Gon's eyes. "We each hold the key to each other's hearts and neither of us would take advantage of that in any way. You must trust yourself as much as I trust you, my Qui-Gon." He leaned forward, kissed his bondmate deeply then smiled mischievously. "Now, let me get the food put away so I can snack on something more appetizing."

Qui-Gon couldn't help but smile as he watched his padawan strut into the kitchen. Hopefully, experience would allow him to keep up with his lover's youthful libido. If not, well at least he would join the Force with a smile on his face.

He turned back the covers from the large bed, gathered up a couple bottles of fragrant oil and placed them and his comlink on the bedside table. Qui-Gon was seated on the edge of the bed, unfastening the top buckle on his boot when Obi-Wan entered the room. "Stop," the younger man said as he quickly moved to kneel at his feet. "One of my oldest fantasies is undressing you slowly while I taste every inch of your skin. I know that's not possible right now but I still want to undress you myself."

Folding his hands in his lap and smiling, Qui-Gon conceded. "As you wish, my love."

Obi-Wan unclasped each buckle and gently pulled the brown leather boots from his Master's calves and feet. Socks were quickly tossed aside before he stood up and pulled the older man to his feet. The lightsaber was placed reverently on the bedside table before the belt was unbuckled and put with the boots. He dropped a few light kisses to the small triangle of flesh exposed at Qui-Gon's throat then carefully unwound the tan sash. Tunics fell open as the sash dropped to the floor and the large expanse of that muscular chest was exposed to Obi-Wan's gaze. Although he had seen his Master's naked chest on a multitude of occasions, this close-up vision sent a surge of arousal through him. Fighting the urge to press the man back onto the bed and devour him, he slid his hands slowly along the warm flesh and savored the shudder that ran through the large body at his touch. He pressed his face against the muscular chest and inhaled his first deep breath of Qui-Gon's scent. Kisses and licks soon followed as he lost himself in the smell and feel of his Master's flesh.

Qui-Gon's ability to stay still was challenged as Obi-Wan's mouth covered his firming nipple. Clutching the younger man's shoulder with one hand, he lifted the exploring mouth from his chest. "Take pity on me, love. My legs will not hold for much more of this."

Kissing the bearded chin, Obi-Wan smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. I will endeavor to work more quickly so that you can take a less strenuous position." Sliding his hands under the parted tunics, he pushed them off the broad shoulders and dropped them to the floor. His hands moved slowly to the waistband of the brown leggings, grasping the top of only remaining items of clothing on the large frame. With a quick touch, he untied and loosened the laces and worked the leggings and corresponding linens off the slim hips. His eyes were drawn to the prominent evidence of Qui-Gon's desire and he ran a fingertip lightly along the length. At the hiss of breath, he pulled back and grabbed the pool of fabric surrounding his Master's feet. After adding them to the pile of clothing, he attempted to direct the older man onto the bed.

Qui-Gon clasped Obi-Wan's arms in his hands and held him immobile. "I would like the opportunity to undress you as well. Then we can continue as you wish." Unclipping the lightsaber from the wide leather belt, he placed it beside his own on the small table. Mimicking his padawan's motions, he removed the leather belt, unwound the beige sash and pushed double tunics off the muscular shoulders. His own arousal was surging almost painfully and he could feel the matching surge in Obi-Wan. It was past time for moving slowly. The need to be skin to skin was overwhelming. Tossing the clothing onto the pile, he directed his apprentice to sit on the edge of the bed. He made short work of removing the leather boots, socks and untying the cream leggings. Pulling Obi-Wan to his feet, he pushed the leggings and underclothing to the floor and drew the lithe body into his arms. The contact of naked flesh to naked flesh was almost electric and both men hissed at the sensation.

Kicking his leggings onto the pile with a flick of his foot, Obi-Wan buried his face in Qui-Gon's neck and covered the pulse point with his lips. After a few soft kisses, he applied more pressure and sucked a passion mark to the skin to the sounds of his Master's breathy moans. He soothed it with a soft swipe of his tongue before directing the older man to lie back on the bed. He took a few moments to drink in the sight of the large body laid out before him before covering the muscular form with his own. He settled between the spread thighs and returned his attention to that enticing mouth. Light kisses were dropped on each corner and the bearded chin until a hand at the back of his neck pulled him more firmly against those lips. Pressing his tongue eagerly inside, he drank deeply of the warm mouth, savoring the combination of his Master's natural taste and the spicy tea they were drinking earlier. A slight shift of his body, brought his hardness into contact with his Master's erect shaft and his moan was swallowed by the kiss.

No longer content with just kissing, Obi-Wan slid down the long chest to bury his face in the nest of dark curls surrounding the engorged penis. Wrapping his hand loosely around the silken shaft, he nuzzled into the musky curls as he stroked his thumb over the leaking slit. Qui-Gon's breathing quickened and soon degenerated into a series of pants and groans. Large hands stroked his shoulders and arms, trying to maintain contact with any available skin. His arousal was soaring from the low moans and the pressure of his cock against his Master's thigh and he worried that he would come without any additional contact. A powerful surge flowed through him and he could wait no longer to have his body joined with Qui-Gon's.

Feeling a matching surge of need along the bond, Qui-Gon maneuvered Obi-Wan away from his groin. He could feel how close to the edge they both were so he gave in to the craving to be physically joined. He rolled Obi-Wan onto his back and started kissing his way down the muscular chest. He reached the jutting penis and after wrapping it in his hand, licked the drop of clear fluid from the leaking tip. The upward press of his lover's hips at that slight touch reminded him that time was growing very short. He shifted to kneel between the spread thighs so that he could prepare the writhing body. Grabbing a bottle from the bedside table, he coated a finger and pressed it against the taunt opening of Obi-Wan's body.

"Yes," Obi-Wan hissed as that fingertip pushed slowly into him. He tried to push back onto it but was held firmly by a hand at his hip. After what seemed like an eternity, the finger was fully sheathed within him and began moving slowly in and out. "Please," he begged and a second oiled finger joined the first. A slight push against that magic spot within him and he was yelling. "Enough. I need you inside of me, now. Please," he cried out again.

Qui-Gon withdrew his fingers from Obi-Wan's body and pressed firmly at the base of the younger man's cock to lessen his arousal a bit. Pouring more oil into his palm, he fought his own body as he coated his throbbing penis. Rolling onto his back, he opened his arms and waited for Obi-Wan come to him.

"Master," Obi-Wan asked in confusion. When the man had knelt between his legs to prepare him, he had expected him to enter him from that position.

"Having you astride me will allow us much more control, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon explained as he pulled the younger man to straddle his hips. "Especially if the pull of the bond becomes too intense."

Obi-Wan leaned forward to take Qui-Gon's mouth in another probing kiss as the large penis rested against the crease of his ass. The need surged again and he found he could wait no longer. Reaching back, he held the silken hardness steady as he slowly impaled himself on it. He groaned deep in his throat as the thick shaft opened and filled him. He slid his body down until his thighs rested lightly against his lover's hips.

Moans escaped from Qui-Gon's lips as he was enclosed in that velvety heat. "So good, so tight," he chanted softly as he brought his hands to those slim hips. Strong fingers aborted any attempt at movement and he spoke softly. "Obi-Wan." Once the darkened green eyes locked with his, he continued. "Open your mind to me."

Lost in the pull of those midnight blue orbs, Obi-Wan could do nothing but comply. He lowered his shields completely and extended along the blossoming bond as he felt Qui-Gon do the same. The feeling as he touched his Master's mind was like the shock of contact with a live electrical charge. The surge began in his mind and spread through his body, flaming his nerves and causing shudders to run through his muscles. The fingertips pressing into his hips seemed to be the only thing keeping him from bucking off the large body with the uncontrolled motions.

Calling on every bit of control he ever possessed, Qui-Gon fought to remain at the exact point in Obi-Wan's mind that the younger man inhabited in his. He could feel the power pulsing through the lithe body that surrounded him and was not surprised when his own body began to shudder and shake with matching sensations. He held on firmly to Obi-Wan's hips, stilling any motion until the shudders began to subside. When the intensity finally faded a bit, he loosened his hold on the younger man and thrust upward.

The slight movement was all the hint that Obi-Wan needed to begin to move. Continuing to gaze into Qui-Gon's darkened eyes, he placed his hands flat against that broad chest. Using his arms for leverage, he rose slowly until only the head of his lover's shaft was enclosed within him then let himself drop back until he was again filled completely. He was able to keep this slow pace for only a few strokes before their bodies cried for more. Obi-Wan then quickened his strokes while pushing more deeply into his bondmate's mind.

Qui-Gon used the strength of his legs to push upward to match the increased pace of Obi-Wan's movements above him while struggling to control his desire to dive fully into his lover's open mind. Knowing that he was at the limit of his control, he reached between them to take his partner's throbbing cock firmly in his hand and said huskily. "Come for me, my Obi-Wan."

That husky plea was enough to shatter what little control that remained. Obi-Wan dropped down so that Qui-Gon's shaft was deeply within him and gave in to the pull of those callused fingers. With a verbal scream and a mental shout, his orgasm erupted as wave after wave of pleasure flowed through him and creamy white fluid pulsed from him to cover the large hand encircling his shaft.

The powerful feelings surging across their bond and the tightening of Obi-Wan's muscles around his cock pushed Qui-Gon over the edge as well. With a final half-thrust and a throaty groan, he emptied his seed deep inside his bondmate's body

Obi-Wan struggled to remain upright as he felt the liquid warmth of his lover's release filling him. When the pulses stopped, he gave into the boneless satiation of his body and collapsed on the broad chest beneath him. The softening cock slipped from his body as he slid upward to capture Qui-Gon's lips.

Qui-Gon returned the series of gentle kisses before using his hand to tilt that handsome face upward. They had shared each other's sensations through the bond as they made love and those feelings had been extremely intense. Looking deeply into those shiny green eyes, he sought verbal reassurance that he had not overwhelmed the younger man. "Are you all right, Obi-Wan?"

"As all right as someone whose brain has melted can be," Obi-Wan replied with a smirk. He reached up and caressed the bearded chin with his fingers. "Just let me sleep for a couple of hours and I'll prove to you that I am more than fine."

Smiling at the rather unorthodox reassurance, Qui-Gon rolled them both onto their sides. After cleaning them quickly with the corner of the sheet, he pulled Obi-Wan against him, nestled the spiky head beneath his chin and joined his already dozing bondmate in the depths of sleep.

Happiness flooded through Obi-Wan as he came awake to the feel of Qui-Gon's naked, though slightly sticky, skin against his. He pulled back slightly so that he could look at his lover's sleeping face and basked in the intensity of the remembered pleasure. He had done his share of sexual experimentation since he lost his virginity at sixteen but each experience paled in comparison to making love with Qui-Gon. He watched as dark eyelashes fluttered and lids opened slowly to revel sleepy blue eyes. "Hello there."

"Hello yourself," Qui-Gon replied. He twisted the gold-red braid between his fingers and looked into those smiling green eyes. "Has your brain reformed enough for us to talk?"

"Any chance I could convince you to reenact our earlier activity before we talk?" Obi-Wan asked as he pressed his semi-erect penis into Qui-Gon's thigh. The raised eyebrow he received in reply told him as much as words ever could. "After we talk then?" he pouted.

Qui-Gon leaned down and kissed those inviting lips before maneuvering himself to sit against the headboard. "Definitely after, love, but now I want to examine the changes in our bond."

Obi-Wan's stomach growled as he moved to sit up and he looked at his Master with a half-smile. "Hungry?"

Qui-Gon chuckled. "Go get what you want and bring it in here." He watched as the younger man bounded from the bed and headed for the door.

"I'll bring enough for both of us," Obi-Wan replied with a smirk. "With your advanced years, you'll definitely need to take in nourishment to keep up with what I have planned for you, my Master."

Relaxing against the carved wood, Qui-Gon waited for Obi-Wan to get the food. After a couple of minutes, an ache began to settle in his chest and his temples began to throb. He had closed his eyes and was attempting to find the cause for this sudden pain when the sound of glass breaking and Obi-Wan's cry of "Master" filled his ears. He was out of the bed and in the kitchen in seconds. "Obi-Wan, what is it?" he asked in concern as he slid an arm around the younger man's waist.

Obi-Wan was pale and sweating, holding onto the counter with a white knuckled grip to remain standing amid the pain that enveloped him. The touch of Qui-Gon's skin against his sent a wave of comfort through him and the pounding in his head and chest began to subside. After a few moments, he was able to release his grip on the counter. "What happened? All of a sudden, I felt an ache in my chest and my head was throbbing. The pain is almost gone now."

"I felt it too. It's probably a side affect of the lifebond," Qui-Gon explained. "Master Eimath did say that the bond would need time to stabilize. We probably should stay close for now."

Obi-Wan put a few more items on the tray while Qui-Gon took a moment to pick up the remnants of the broken bowl. The pain had dissipated but he had no desire to experience that sensation again. "You can consider me glued to your hip for the foreseeable future, Master, " he said with a smirk. Smiling blue eyes looking up at him fondly was his only reply.

The two men returned to the bedroom and sat side by side on the bed, each comfortable resting against the headboard. Obi-Wan set the tray on his lap, picked up a cube of cheese and placed it into his Master's mouth. Qui-Gon copied the motion and fed his padawan a stalk of yellow paranu. They continued to feed each other morsels of food for the next few minutes. They ate without much conversation, exchanging a few smiles and only a couple of necessary words.

When they had eaten their fill, Obi-Wan handed a bottled of chilled juice to Qui-Gon, took one for himself and placed the tray on the small table. He looked into the warm blue eyes of his bondmate and asked. "Did you ever imagine that it would be like this for us? Even my most vivid dreams and fantasies pale to the reality of being here beside you."

"I've had numerous relationships over the years, including a couple of long term ones, but none of them came close to the level of communion that you and I shared tonight," Qui-Gon replied in an emotion-filled voice. Taking the bottle from Obi-Wan's hand, he placed it along with his own on the table then covered the younger man's lips with his. When he pulled back, his eyes shone with tears. "Thank you for having the strength at the age of twelve to fight to get me to accept you. Without your shining presence in my life, I would have become a bitter and cynical old man. You are my heart, Obi-Wan."

Green eyes sparkled with tears of their own when Obi-Wan responded. "You have devoted yourself to me for all these years, teaching and training me in the ways of the Jedi. You shifted from patient to pressing, strict to lenient, supportive to challenging depending on what I needed. You taught me to think for myself, even to the point of letting me make some major mistakes so I could learn from them. I know now that my rejection of you and the Jedi teachings on Melida/Daan was very painful for you, especially after Xanatos. Thank you for loving me enough to open your heart to me again after I hurt you so badly. Sometimes I think I don't deserve you." His breath hitched and he buried his face in Qui-Gon's shoulder as he struggled to rein in his emotions. Strong arms came around him and held him tightly and he found himself melting into the security of that loving embrace. When he had calmed slightly, he pulled back and looked up into his Master's eyes. "I think I will give Master Santee a bottle of that Corellian brandy you guys like so much. A gesture of gratitude for bringing our feelings out into the open, so to speak," he said with a shy smile.

Cupping his hand against a smooth cheek, Qui-Gon responded. "Elijah unwittingly helped us more that he could ever have anticipated." Blue eyes darkened with lust as they raked over the enticing nude form of his lover. "I would like to undertake that leisurely exploration of every inch of your body that I was denied earlier. But first, I want to examine our bond." He reached out and took each of Obi-Wan's hands within his own and locked his gaze with his padawan's. "Close your eyes and concentrate your focus on my presence in your mind," he instructed.

Closing his own eyes, Qui-Gon extended along the bond. He joined his mental focus with Obi-Wan's and began to study the connection. He felt the younger man's surprise at the fact that the new intersection between their minds was situated well within his strongest inner shields. The connection shone brightly, a spherical melding of green and blue energy threads. The threads were intertwined tightly around each other, with the green ones slightly more prominent than the blue as they wove together into a sturdy rope between their minds. He examined it thoroughly and was relieved to find that it had deepened evenly and without any weakened areas.

Mentally nudging Obi-Wan to follow him, Qui-Gon withdrew along the rope, following it back into the matching center within his own mind. He could sense his padawan's fascination with this new territory as they flowed easily through his inner barriers. The intersection in his mind was a reverse image of the one in Obi-Wan's. Here, blue outnumbered the green threads woven in the spherical center and along the twined rope. Again he saw that the bond had developed as it should. With a final mental caress along the bond, he pulled out of this mental inspection and brought his bondmate with him. He opened his eyes to see smiling gray-green ones looking back at him.

Leaning forward, Obi-Wan captured Qui-Gon's mouth before he could even utter a sound. Now that we know that the bond has developed properly, you have a promise to keep, he sent while devouring the luscious mouth joined with his. Pressing his tongue past the parted lips, he explored, tasted and probed until they were both breathless and panting. In a flash of motion, he found himself deposited flat on his back and straddled by his Master's larger body. "I was doing something here," he groused. Laughing blue eyes looked down at him as he pushed vainly at the broad chest.

"I do remember promising to explore every inch of your body," Qui-Gon said wryly. "And I plan on starting that exploration right here." After pinning those roaming hands, he leaned forward and sucked Obi-Wan's left earlobe into his mouth, nipping lightly at the tantalizing flesh. Releasing the earlobe, he ran his tongue slowly along the whorls of his ear drawing a shiver from his captive lover. He kissed a path across Obi-Wan's face, stopping to duplicate his motions on the younger man's right ear. The lithe body beneath his writhed and moaned as his lips sucked a passion mark at the joint of neck and shoulder.

"Please, Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan said as he attempted to free his captured hands. "I need to touch you."

"You'll get your chance, later," Qui-Gon replied with a smirk. His tongue soothed the mark he had just created before he slid down and pulled a bronze nipple into his mouth. Encouraged by the needy sounds coming from Obi-Wan, he suckled on the hardened nub before worrying it between his teeth. After giving similar attention to the other nipple, he kissed his way down the smooth chest until he reached the patch of coarse reddish hair surrounding the jutting penis. His beard rubbed against the hardened shaft as he nuzzled his nose into the musky curls and Obi-Wan shivered at the contact. He could feel the affect each touch was having on the younger man over the bond and knew that he was fighting to keep control.

Deciding he had tormented his young lover long enough, Qui-Gon looked up at those closed lids and said softly. "Watch me, love." When the green eyes opened and met his, he took the silken shaft in his hand and ran his tongue from base to tip. After taking a moment to lick the drops of liquid that pooled in the tiny slit, he swallowed the throbbing cock to the root.

Burying his suddenly free hands into that chestnut mane, he fought between pulling Qui-Gon away and pushing himself deeper. The feeling of that warm wetness surrounding him combined with the sight of his Master taking him fully into his mouth was more than enough to dissolve the shaky hold Obi-Wan had on his control. He felt his balls tighten and when Qui-Gon slid his lips up and down his shaft and sucked, he exploded into that glorious mouth.

Qui-Gon massaged the pulsing cock with lips and tongue until he had milked every drop of Obi-Wan's release from the satin shaft. When he had savored all the salty fluid, he finally released the softening cock and slid back up the younger man's body. He waited until the shudders stopped then dove into the panting mouth, sharing the flavor of his own essence with his padawan.

When Obi-Wan's body had finally recovered enough to move, he pushed against the shoulders of the body covering his. "It's my turn now. If you have no objection, that is," he grumbled. He attempted to look upset but his relaxed and sated features made it totally ineffectual. Finally he gave up and just smiled sweetly. "It would be very helpful if you moved."

With a chuckle and a kiss to the end of that crinkled nose, Qui-Gon rolled off of Obi-Wan to lie on his back on the bed. He placed his hands behind his head and looked ruefully at his bondmate. "Is this more acceptable?"

Green eyes darkened with lust at the feast laid out before him as he moved to straddle Qui-Gon's hips. "As long as you continue to remember that I am in control for the time being," Obi-Wan replied with an impish grin.

Blue eyes shone with humor as the large body remained totally still. "I am at your disposal," Qui-Gon agreed.

Obi-Wan wasted no time taking his Master up on this tantalizing offer. He leaned forward and began kissing that beloved face, pressing his lips to cheeks, eyelids, forehead, chin and ears. After a few minutes, Qui-Gon turned his head to try to capture those tempting lips with his but Obi-Wan was too quick for him. Pulling back, he laughed. "You're supposed to be complying with my wishes, remember?"

"I guess I deserved that," Qui-Gon sighed. He pressed himself back into the mattress and tried to relax.

Nodding in acceptance of his Master's posture, Obi-Wan returned to tasting the warm flesh. He kissed, licked and sucked on the long neck, shoulders and chest, enjoying the low moans that were escaping from his lover. When he finally enclosed a peaking nipple, Qui-Gon arched into his touch. He continued his slow torment, lapping at the hardened nub repeatedly before moving down the broad chest.

Inhaling the musky scent from the dark curls, he closed his fingers around the satiny length of Qui-Gon's penis and stroked slowly. Obi-Wan licked the fluid from the slit in the reddened tip then swiped his tongue along the sensitive underside. He could feel the large chest heaving as his lover took in gasping breaths. His own arousal was surging and he could feel the wetness leaking from his cock smearing onto his Master's thigh. He drew the throbbing shaft into his mouth and sucked gently on the head. He pressed back against the surge of hips then reluctantly released his treasure. As much as he would have enjoyed bringing Qui-Gon to completion this way, there was something he wanted much more.

Groaning at the loss of the warmth surrounding his cock, Qui-Gon looked up to see Obi-Wan kneeling between his spread legs. His young lover glanced at the opaque bottle on the small table then met his gaze. Green eyes looked longingly into his, silently asking for permission to continue. "Yes, Obi-Wan. I want to feel you within me, please," he said as he passed the small bottle to his padawan.

Removing the top from bottle, Obi-Wan poured the amber liquid into his palm. He coated his fingers and reached between Qui-Gon's legs. He gently massaged the smooth skin behind his scrotum before bringing the tip of his finger to that puckered opening. He pressed forward slowly, shuddering in anticipation as the finger was swallowed by that velvety tightness. He slid the finger in and out a couple times before bringing a second digit to join it.

Pushed to the edge of his endurance by those two probing fingers, Qui-Gon resorted to pleading. "Please, love. I need you."

Pulling his fingers from Qui-Gon's body, Obi-Wan attempted to move from between those long legs while pressing his lover to roll onto his stomach.

Placing a hand on his young lover's hip, Qui-Gon kept Obi-Wan from moving. "Like this. I want to be able to see your face." He positioned a hand behind each knee to open himself more fully.

The sight of his Master's making himself so open and vulnerable to him caused Obi-Wan's breath to hitch. He quickly coated his penis with the oil on his palm and placed it against the opening of Qui-Gon's body. Darkened green eyes locked with midnight blue ones as he pressed past that tight ring of muscle until he was completely sheathed within that velvety tightness. " hot...," he stuttered as the sensations overwhelmed him. He gave into the need to move and began thrusting into his lover's body. The love and need that shone in Qui-Gon's eyes was pushing him quickly to the brink so he reached for the thick erection and began stroking it in counterpoint to his thrusts. Across the bond, he could feel the echo of his lover's arousal and it was if he was also being penetrated

The combination of Obi-Wan's cock thrusting into his body, the pressure of that hand stroking him and the sensations flowing through the bond pushed him over the edge and Qui-Gon pulsed his release over his lover's fist.

The spasms surrounding his penis caused him to erupt into the heat of his bondmate's body. Waves of pleasure flowed through Obi-Wan as he emptied his seed into the tight channel surrounding him. The hand clutching onto Qui-Gon's knee was the only thing that was keeping him upright. Looking down into those blue eyes, he whispered. "Love you, my Qui-Gon."

Long arms reaching out to embrace the younger man, Qui-Gon brought his legs down to the bed and pulled his bondmate to lie against his chest. "As I love you, my Obi-Wan." The two men stayed intertwined as their breathing and heart rates returned to normal and they finally drifted into a sated sleep.

Light was spilling through the windows of the room when Qui-Gon awoke. At some point during the night, they had rolled onto their sides and Obi-Wan was tucked tightly against his chest. He pulled back slightly and ran his hand in soothing circles on the younger man's back as he watched him sleep. The depth of Obi-Wan's presence in his mind was so strong that he could sense the tone of his dreams. Those feelings along with the hardening shaft pressing against his hip told him with almost total certainty that he was a major participant in his lover's dream. Suppressing the chuckle that would have woken his bedmate, he wondered how his aging body was ever going to keep pace with his bondmate's youthful libido.

Obi-Wan floated in the depth of his dream, luxuriating in the feeling of the large, warm body he was lying against. Fingertips caressed along his spine and he wanted nothing more than to remain in that embrace forever. But his internal chrono told him that it was well into morning and he needed to wake up. Forcing his eyelids open, he took in the amused face across from him. "Good morning, Master."

"Good morning, my Padawan. Did you sleep well?" Qui-Gon replied.

"Very well, thank you. I would strongly recommend last night's activities as a remedy for anyone suffering from insomnia," Obi-Wan said with a smirk. He rubbed his firming penis against his Master's leg and added huskily. "I would also recommend it as a wonderful way to begin a day."

"Take pity on an old man, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon teased. "I for one would like a shower. I seem to be rather sticky."

"Well, I guess I could use a shower too," Obi-Wan replied. "As long as we take our showers together."

Qui-Gon started to argue that showering together was probably not a good idea when he remember the pain being separated had brought them the evening before. "A shower only, Obi-Wan," he said sternly. "We need to integrate this new facet of our relationship with our responsibilities, Padawan. We cannot allow our desires to overshadow our lives."

He thought about arguing but when he looked into those concerned blue eyes he changed his mind. "Yes, Master," Obi-Wan agreed reluctantly.

Qui-Gon rose from the bed and reached out a hand to help Obi-Wan to his feet. Together they headed into the refresher then into the shower stall. At first they managed to keep things platonic, each of them cleaning their bodies quickly and efficiently. Qui-Gon stood with the water cascading over his hair and Obi-Wan found himself mesmerized by the sight. Grabbing the bottle of cleaner from the shelf, he directed the older man to the small ledge built into the wall. "Let me wash your hair for you, Master."

Looking intently into his apprentice's warm gaze, Qui-Gon thought about the request. This was a task the younger man had performed many times but he presumed the task would take on a somewhat different tone now. He knew that Obi-Wan enjoyed doing simple things for him and decided it would be wrong to deny themselves this normal interaction. "That would be much appreciated, Padawan," he replied as he sat down sideways on the ledge.

Obi-Wan poured a circle of cleanser into his palm then spread it into the wet tresses. He lathered the long stands between his palms until he had worked completely through the heavy mass. He moved on to massage the scalp beneath his fingertips and could feel his Master relaxing into his touch. Sliding his hands forward, he pressed his thumbs into the nape of Qui-Gon's neck while his fingers moved in caressing circles over his temples. The feel of the soft skin under his fingertips suddenly caused a rush of arousal to flow through him. He leaned against the warmth of the broad back as his fingers continued to caress his lover's face.

The fingers roaming along his face were beginning to take on a very different tone and Qui-Gon fought a surge of arousal. He turned around to face his companion and started to speak but was cut off by lips covering his. An exploring tongue pushed past his parted lips and twined intimately with his. The deep kiss continued until they were both breathless. Qui-Gon placed a hand behind Obi-Wan's neck and looked intently into his eyes. "We need to control our desires..." he began but the longing and need he saw in the darkened gray-green orbs caused him to stop in mid-sentence. He pulled the younger man down to kneel between his legs and kissed him gently. He could see the question in Obi-Wan's eyes and smiled. "Maybe it's too soon to worry about having to control our desires."

"Live in the moment, my Master," Obi-Wan teased as he leaned in for another kiss. He slid his palms slowly up the older man's thighs as he drank his fill from the warm mouth. Fingertips teased the soft skin covering Qui-Gon's balls before moving on to grasp the firming shaft. He took a moment to direct one of Qui-Gon's hands to his own filling penis then began to stroke his lover's to its full generous size.

Looking into his young lover's lust-filled eyes, Qui-Gon wrapped his large hand around his treasure and stroked Obi-Wan's silken shaft in a matching rhythm. Surges of desire flowed between them over their expanded bond and he could feel his padawan's arousal climbing quickly towards its peak. He locked his gaze with Obi-Wan's as he allowed their joint sensations to flood him. "Wait, love," he whispered as his balls began to tighten against his body.

Obi-Wan struggled to hold back his climax as he felt his Master building towards his. He tightened his grip and increased the speed of his strokes until he felt the shudders beginning in Qui-Gon's thighs. He fought to keep his eyes open as he allowed his own climax to overtake him with a soft-voiced, "my love."

Even as the first waves of his orgasm flowed through him, Qui-Gon could feel the evidence of Obi-Wan's completion pulsing over his fist. As he watched his young lover in the throes of his release, he was sure he had never seen a more beautiful sight. Resting on his heels, back arched and face contorted in ecstasy, Obi-Wan was the epitome of sensuality. "My own," he breathed as the last shudders of his release spurted over his lover's hand.

After he recovered from the effects of their activity, Qui-Gon rose from the ledge and stood under the stream of water to rinse the drying suds from his hair. Once the water rinsed clear, he quickly cleaned the semen from his body then pulled Obi-Wan to his feet and cleaned him as well. He turned off the water and grabbed towels as he walked from the shower.

Drying their bodies as they walked, both men headed into their respective rooms to dress. Within a few minutes, Qui-Gon entered the kitchen dressed in worn leggings and a soft undertunic and set a pot of tea to brew. He was looking through the cooler for items for breakfast when Obi-Wan joined him.

Still naked to the waist and clad in his favorite pair of lounging pants, Obi-Wan moved behind Qui-Gon, wrapped his arms around his waist and leaned against the broad back. "What is our plan for the day?"

"Food first, I think," Qui-Gon said as he placed eggs, cheese and fruit on the counter. "Then I would like to carefully test the effects of distance between us."

"I didn't feel any discomfort at all when I was getting dressed," Obi-Wan explained. "But we weren't very far away from each other or apart for as long as last night either."

"True enough," Qui-Gon replied. Gathering the foods items, he started to prepare their late breakfast.

Just enjoying each other's company and conversation, the two men prepared, ate and cleaned up from their meal at a relaxed pace. After they had finished, they moved into the common room with Qui-Gon stopping for a moment to disengage the privacy shield.

Obi-Wan waited until his Master sat down in his favorite chair then dropped to the floor at his feet. "How do you think we should undertake testing our reactions to being apart?"

"We can start right here by just moving into different areas of our quarters to see how far apart we can comfortably be," Qui-Gon explained. "I would also like to see if pain begins to develop at comfortable distances as time passes."

Rising from the floor, Obi-Wan leaned in for a lingering kiss before stepping back. "I have plenty of classwork to keep busy while we do this. I'll move to my room."

"I'll be at the comm unit checking mail," Qui-Gon replied. "Let me know if you start to feel any discomfort."

They each spent the next few hours doing mundane things while moving progressively further apart in their quarters. By the end of the test, they found that they could remain about ten meters apart readily but if they moved to fifteen meters, they would feel a vague sense of malaise. After about a half-hour, that minor discomfort would become a dull ache in Obi-Wan's chest. The matching discomfort in Qui-Gon's chest began at about forty minutes and at an hour Obi-Wan's pain had increased to a level close to that of the night before.

Obi-Wan was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall in the furthest corner of his room when Qui-Gon reached him. He wrapped his arms around his lover's waist as he knelt down beside him and leaned his head against that broad chest. After a few moments in that embrace, the pain lessened enough for him to speak. "As much as I enjoy your company, I hope this stabilizes soon. My classes and your committee sessions may become a bit more difficult to attend," Obi-Wan said flatly. "Not to mention missions."

"I spoke to Depa while you were studying," Qui-Gon said. "She feels that in four or five days we should be able to go anywhere within the Temple and after three tens we should be able to go back on the active duty roster. According to her research and experience, our separation factor will broaden exponentially over that time."

Green eyes sparkled impishly as Obi-Wan pulled back from that warm embrace. "Well I'm sure I can handle a few more days secluded here with you until that happens."

"I'm sure we will be able to find enough things to occupy our time," Qui-Gon replied dryly. "But for now let's see if we can find something for a mid-day meal."

At the end of their light meal, the crème de ciarmylco that they chose for dessert turned out to be more of a temptation than even the Master could resist. What began as sharing pudding and tea on the sofa turned into a leisurely exploration of each other's bodies. Sprawled out on the soft rug, they took turns spreading the thick caramel cream over each other's skin and licking off the sweet confection. Feeling their arousal spiraling upward as their tongues caressed each other, Qui-Gon used a touch of the Force to switch the privacy shield back on. A few moments later, Qui-Gon placed the last dollop of the pudding onto his lover's cock and swallowed it completely. Obi-Wan was so surprised by the level of sensation that he was unable to stop his climax from overtaking him.

Almost overwhelmed by the echoes coming over the bond, Qui-Gon fought his own body to prevent a spontaneous orgasm as he savored the tangy fluid pulsing into his mouth. Only after he had milked every drop and the spent penis began softening did he release it and slide up to lie beside his padawan.

After a few moments, Obi-Wan came back to his senses. He leaned over and dove into Qui-Gon's mouth, feeding on the combination of the tastes of his lover and his own release. Once he had drunk his fill, he slid down the long body until his lips hovered millimeters away from that jutting shaft. "I still have not had a chance to taste you, love," he purred against the leaking tip. His tongue reached out and lapped the drops of liquid from the reddened tip before his lips closed over it. Slowly, he slid his mouth down the thick penis, running his tongue along the throbbing vein on the underside.

The warm wetness that surrounded his cock was quickly pushing Qui-Gon to the edge of release. He fought the need to thrust into that wonderful mouth and moaned at the intense sensations. "Oh love, please."

Spurred on by Qui-Gon's needy sounds and by his own desire to bring pleasure to his lover, he took in as much of the large shaft as he could and sucked hard. Thick fluid pulsed from the throbbing penis and he greedily drank in his Master's seed. After he had cleaned every bit of essence from the quiescent cock, he slid up the rangy body and covered the large frame with his own. Resting his head against the broad chest, he listened as the pounding heartbeat slowed to a more normal rhythm. With the combination of the comforting sound and his sated state, he fell into a light doze.

The lithe body resting on top of him felt wonderful and Qui-Gon wrapped his arms loosely around it. After a few moments, he could feel the change in the younger man's breathing and called softly, "Obi-Wan."

Hearing his Master's voice but too relaxed to form words, Obi-Wan murmured. "Mmmm."

"Never mind, just sleep," Qui-Gon responded. Settling the compact body more comfortably against him, he moved one hand to the back of Obi-Wan's head and ran his fingers through the damp hair. Happy just to hold his sated lover, he focused on their expanded bond and basked in the vibrant mental presence that was his padawan.

When Obi-Wan woke from his short nap, he was surprised to find he was still sprawled across Qui-Gon's body. He tried to roll off but the arm across his back stopped him. "You must be uncomfortable like this, Master. How long have I been asleep?" he asked, levering himself to look into that beloved face.

"Not really. You haven't been sleeping that long," Qui-Gon answered. As he rolled them carefully onto their sides, he could feel the sweat that covered their adjoining skin. "I think that we could both use another shower, though." After taking time for a few lingering kisses, he pulled away from the younger man and rose to his feet. With a wave of his hand to switch off the shield, he reached his other hand out and added. "Come, Padawan. Maybe after our shower, I can check to see if there are any private training rooms available."

"I'm sure with your status you could get us one, Master," Obi-Wan responded with a smirk as he took the extended hand. "And it would probably be good for us to get some exercise that is not horizontal."

"Impudent brat," Qui-Gon muttered. "Maybe I need to reaffirm my prowess as the Master."

Moving quickly toward the refresher and out of easy reach, Obi-Wan called out. "Never fear, my Master. You already have."

On to the next part...