by FireCracker

submission dated 1-1-00

Pairing Q/O

A/U -Plot what plot

Obi-Wan is served.

"Qui-Gon, these training sessions are too much for me."

Windu was winded, sitting cross legged on the gym floor.

Qui-Gon stood over him, laughing. "Old, Mace? Or out of shape? Perhaps you've spent too much time in mental pursuits."

Windu snorted. "Oh, that's funny. You didn't exactly breeze through the Grbill rotations yourself!"

Qui-Gon waved him off. "I was taking it easy on you" he reached down, helping his friend up.

"Humpf. A likely story. I'd just as soon head to the Council session right now."

They adjusted their gym suits. Qui-Gon threw a towel around his neck.

"Good thing you mentioned it, Mace. I nearly forgot it was today, and..."

Mace stared at a nearby chronomoter. "Force, we've taken too long. The session is in two hours!"

"Two hours! I can't get dressed and have my presentation ready that fast!"

Windu picked up his duffle bag. "My presence isn't required at this particular session, although they'd like me to be there. Tell you what. Stay here and get dressed. I'll stop over and pick up your report. Meet me at my office before you go in."

Qui-Gon gave a sigh of relief. "You're a life saver. Yoda thinks I'm undisciplined in my thinking as it is. I'd hate to give him more fodder."

Windu grinned. "Besides, I can review your report on the way back."

Qui-Gon rolled his eyes, laughing. "Nitpicker!"

Obi-Wan was happy, ready, and hot. He had finished his duties early, gone home and taken a hot bath.

Slowly he worked scented oil over himself. Got something for you tonight , my love.

He looked at the wall clock. Hmm. Another hour of torture and waiting. But it'll be worth it.

Obi-Wan went into the bedroom to get a box.

Windu arrived at the front door an hour later.

Barely enough time to get back to my office. It'll be close-

Going inside, he stepped into the living room and stared at the floor. Rose petals were arranged over the furniture, and shaped into a path down the hallway.

Mace grinned. Qui-Gon, you devil.

He looked about. The lighting was dimmed. Soft music played in the background. Candles burned at vantage points around the room.

If I didn't know better I'd swear he wasn't planning on coming to the session at all.

In wonderment, the Jedi Master slowly took in the romantic surroundings.

Odd. I don't remember him mentioning anyone-


Obi-Wan bounded into the living room, naked and oiled wearing a huge blue ribbon wrapped around. The bow was attached to his shoulder.

Mace stared. He was at a loss for words.

So was Obi-Wan, who was rapidly turning white.

Windu found his voice. "Padawan" he emphasized. The dark eyes burned like coals.

Obi-Wan gulped. He wanted to melt into the floor.

"I...uh...ah..." he stammered, reaching for a sofa cushion to cover himself.

"Never mind that!" Windu boomed. "Explain this nonsense. What are you about with this!"

Flustered, his mind groped for an answer. "I...had a date, and was waiting. I thought you were someone else."

The voice was ice. "Clearly!"

"Master Windu, I would get dressed. This is embarrassing."

Windu walked toward him. Force, he is lovely.

"It should be embarrassing, padawan. You've made a spectacle of yourself."

The high cheeks were flushed. "That wasn't my intent, I only thought-"

"You weren't thinking. What about your assigned duties?"

"I finished them. That's why I came home."

"Hmm" dark eyes discerned him. Windu thought a moment, walking around the room. A stray thought hit him.

"Tell me. Who were you waiting for?"

Obi-Wan reddened, and not from embarassment. "With all due respect, Master Windu. I don't see where you need to know-"

Windu picked up one of the burning candles by the handle, observing it. "I disagree, padawan. Perhaps there is a vital reason I should know."

"I don't understand."

Mace set the candle down. He approached Obi-Wan again more closely. Deep eyes roamed along the lush body.

"Is this" his voice lowered, "for your Master?"

Obi-Wan panicked. "I didn't say it was!"

Long fingers traced along the supple shoulders. "You didn't have to, padawan. I've suspected a long time. But now I have proof. Now you will face the Council-"

Obi-Wan barely controlled his tone. "You have nothing, Master Windu. There's no evidence I was waiting for my Master. I expected him to be away at the session, which is why I set up a date" he lied.

Mace eyed him closely. "So you are saying that you wanted a stolen moment while your master was away."

Obi-Wan swallowed. It was getting too warm all of a sudden.

"I need to get dressed, Master Windu."

"Be at ease, Obi-Wan" Windu roamed his eyes again. "I am willing to forget what I suspect."

Obi-Wan fidgeted, clutching the pillow in front of himself. " you mean?"

The elegant Jedi slid long fingers along the silky back. "Perhaps I am not so stiffnecked as I appear. There are...options."

Obi-Wan stood very still. He didn't like the direction this conversation was taking.

"Surely you aren't suggesting-"

"All things are possible, padawan" Windu leaned behind him, kissing the side of his neck softly.

Ghods, no. Anything but this Obi-Wan couldn't think.

"You would violate the Code, Master Windu?"

"And you have not?"

"No!" another lie.

Brown hands thumbed the full lips. "Would that I could believe you. Nor would I blame Qui-Gon for weakening" a wistful sigh. "I know him better than anyone, including Yoda."

That piqued Obi-Wans' interest. "How so?" he tried a diversionary question.

Mace smiled slightly. He knew he was being gulled. "Let's just say we have a personal history. Our friendship has endured most everything."

Obi-Wan took a dare as slender hands continued to stroke him.

"Master Windu...would you risk his anger by approaching me thus? Surely, it is inappropriate!"

The hands withdrew. "You are bold, Obi-Wan. Such fire. Well matched for one such as Qui-Gon."

Obi-Wan raised his chin defiantly. "If I am to believe in the tenets of the Jedi, they must be practiced as well as worded."

Windu was taken aback. He wasn't certain if he had just been lectured to.

"Hmm" his expression was grim but amused. "So be it. For now I will leave this issue since as you said, I have no proof. But mark me well, Obi-Wan. If I sense any inpropriety, you and your Master will be brought before the Council."

Obi-Wan shivered. "I understand. But I assure you, there is no need for concern" he continued to lie.

Windu cradled his cheek with a hand. "It is not out of the realm of possibility that you could be assigned another Master."

Obi-Wan shook his head vehemently. "Never will I abandon Qui-Gon or be separated from him" he realized too late that he'd said too much.

Windu withdrew, standing to his full height in triumph. "So. It is true."

Obi-Wan was flustered. "I didn't say-"

Windu waved him off. "I came for your Masters' report. Where is it?"

"In the study" Obi-Wan was subdued.

Windu sidled past, going down the hallway.

I've blown it Obi-Wan thought miserably. Windu returned a moment later, data folders in hand.

"Get dressed, padawan" he stated formally. "And know that I will be watching. As I said, for now I will not pursue the matter."

Obi-Wan nodded. There was nothing he could say.

Windu continued, voice softer. "You are fine, Obi-Wan. Beautiful. Do you know this?"

Obi-Wan felt uncomfortable. "Master Windu-"

"Surely Qui-Gon treasures you. Other padawans are envious of your station."

It was true. Obi-Wan had been aware of it for years.

"My Master awaits" Obi-Wan reminded him. He wanted him gone.

Windus' voice went hard. "Good evening. You are warned" he turned and left abruptly.

Obi-Wan let out a deep breath. He certainly knows how to kill the mood.

The Council session went well. Windu accosted Qui-Gon in the hallway outside of the main chambers.

"Come to my office, please."

Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow. "Why so formal, Mace? Is there a problem?"

"Potentially" Windu didn't smile.

In silence they went to Windu's office. Qui-Gon seated himself. Windu sat across from him at his desk.

He steepled his hands. "This is awkward for me, Qui-Gon. I must tell you that I have concerns about Obi-Wan."

The tall jedi leaned back. "What! How so?"

Windu sighed. "There is a possible violation of the Jedi Code."

Qui-Gon thought that over. Anger rolled in his stomach.

"Say what you mean, Mace. You believe there to be an impropriety? How dare you infer such!"

Windu glared at him. "After what I witnessed today? It's a miracle it wasn't discovered before now!"

"That what wasn't discovered!"

Windu leaned back. "When I went to pick up your report I met Obi-Wan there. He was nude."

Qui-Gon rolled his eyes. "So what? He was home."

"He bounded into the room wearing a ribbon. It was painfully clear he was expecting a lover."

"Again, so what? Where is this violation you speak of?"

Windu made a noise, stunned. "Don't you find that a little bizarre?"

"As you said, he appeared to be awaiting a lover. I don't concern myself with what people wear in the privacy of their own bedrooms."

Mace looked at him softly, remembering. "No, you always were unconventional."

Qui-Gon picked up on his mood. "I'm not interesting in revisiting the past. State this so-called violation."

"I suspect he awaited you."

"Really. How convenient. If such is the case, why am I here?"

Windu abruptly stood. "You could be meeting him later."

Qui-Gon folded his arms. "I could find a dragon outside. What is your point?"

Deep eyes sparked in irritation. "You're good at avoiding issues, Qui-Gon. And I know your propensity for secrets. I will only say this. Tread carefully. I have warned Obi-Wan. Now I am warning you."

Qui-Gon glared, blue eyes glacial. "Spare me your warnings. There's no issue as far as I'm concerned. If you're going to threaten action against someone, at least have some concrete evidence!"

Windu dropped heavily in his seat. "I have no evidence, as well you know. But I feel the living force. I sense it between you two. It is strong, and it is real."

Qui-Gon was silent a moment. "What occured with Obi-Wan?"

Windu frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Your conversation. Did you threaten my padawan?"


"I know you. Fire and thunder, Mace? What else?"

"I won't be inquisitioned here! I'm trying to avoid trouble for the two of you-"

Qui-Gon snorted. "Ha! You seek trouble, then wish to quell it? Do I look like an idiot, old friend?"

"I know I'm not one" Mace retorted. "Your padawan claimed innocence of any violation. I questioned his word."

"He must have made quite an impression on you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Qui-Gon abruptly reached across the table. He held Windus' hand in a grip of iron.

"Tell me" he hissed. "Did you find Obi-Wan appealing??"

"You dare question my sobriety here?!"

"I do. If you truly suspected we were having an affair, why not speak to us both in private prior to now? You had every opportunity."

"I had no reason to suspect more strongly than when I saw him earlier" Mace replied. "You are out of line, Qui-Gon."

Qui-Gon looked into his eyes a moment.

"Menre, you are a liar" he whispered. "You aren't the only one who can sense the living force. Did you think I wouldn't notice your desire for my padawan? And me?"

Windu snatched his hand away. "I am not the one having an illicit affair. And if you continue on this present path-"

With one fluid motion, Qui-Gon swept around the desk and gathered Windu in his arms. He kissed him hotly.

//Now we shall know the truth.//

//Fool! What proves this power play?//

//You resent Obi-Wan as much as you want him.//

Mace pulled free. "I'll...hear no more of this" he was ragged.

Qui-Gon stroked his hands, slid lips alongside the smooth neck. "Memories of the past can be beautiful, don't you agree?"

" insane??"

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. Shall we be honest, now?"

Windu gasped. Qui-Gon could still get to him. "Damn you..."

Qui-Gon continued to nuzzle. "In addition to being desirous of Obi-Wan, you are jealous of a perceived relationship. Tell me."

Mace pushed him away. "I hardly think you are in a position to make such assumptions-"

"Ah" Qui-Gon nodded in satisfaction. "And you are, I suppose? Hide in your shell of ice then. And do not think to threaten or coerce my padawan in any way."

Windu was breathing heavily. "What do you think you've proven here?"

Qui-Gon headed to the door. "One: that you desire my padawan. Two: that you desire me even more."

Mace was somewhat subdued. "And?"

"Shall I draw a picture? You think to break us up. This 'Code violation' is an excuse to do so. But I will issue a warning of my own. Stay away from Obi-Wan or I will bring charges of impropriety."

Windu stood rigid, a tower of thunder. "You dare think you can threaten me in such a manner? I am not some dolt on hormone overload!"

Qui-Gon eyed him. "Then stop thinking with your cock" he said through his teeth. "This conversation is over. Good day."

He stalked out. Windu threw a datapad at the door behind him.

Obi-Wan felt uneasy. He had long since put his 'blue ribbon' away. Brooding, he sat in the living room watching the local news.

He crunched on a bowl of Vlarka Chips and dip. His mind turned over at recent events.

Damn, I've never been so embarrassed in all my life. I don't know if I can ever look Windu in the eye again.

He turned at a sound. Qui-Gon entered, placing his cloak on the rack.

Obi-Wan bowed in greeting. "Good evening, Master. I trust you had an eventful day at the Council session."

Qui-Gon approached him. "More than I can say, padawan. Though not nearly as interesting as my confrontation with Windu."

Obi-Wan gulped. He knows.

Qui-Gon took his hands, leading him back towards the couch. "Come, sit. I would discuss this with you."

Silently, Obi-Wan nodded. They sank into the plush cushions.

The blue eyes were soft. "Are you alright?"

Obi-Wan looked away. "You mean after making a fool out of myself? Just fine."

Gentle smile. "No, not that. I mean how did the conversation go with Windu? I know it wasn't pleasant."

Emerald eyes sparked. "I was given a fearsome speech about the Code and accused of violating it. To make matters worse..." he hesitated.

Qui-Gon squeezed his hand. "Go on."

"There's no nice way to say this. He hit on me. Who would've thought it! I get promises of fiery retribution for violating the Code, and then he attempts to do the very thing I am accused of!"

Qui-Gon leaned back, eyes stormy in anger. "His inconsistencies are known to me, Obi-Wan. Anything else?"

"He threatened to bring us before the Council."

Qui-Gon gave a gesture of dismissal. "That is no longer a concern."

Obi-Wan blinked. "What. How so?"

"I managed a few threats of my own."

Obi-Wan swelled with pride. He smiled. "And should I ask how you managed to face down Master Windu?"

"He doesn't intimidate me, nor can he force my hand."

Obi-Wan grinned. He'd be a terror on a Council seat.

"You are defiant as ever, my Master" Obi-Wans' voice was low. He felt warm.

Ice blue eyes bored into him. "There's something I can't get out of my mind, however. Something Mace told me he saw."

Obi-Wan frowned. "What he saw?"

Qui-Gon touched his face. "That ribbon he said you wore. All the way home I pictured what you must've looked like" his eyes were lidded.

Obi-Wan blushed a little. "It was a spontaneous idea, I thought you would like it-"

Qui-Gon leaned in. "I still would" he stroked the silky neck. "Do you know how beautiful you are?"

Obi-Wan felt flush. "And the Code?" plump lips brushed the short beard.

Hot lips met his own. //Our love is no one elses' buisness.//

They petted on the couch awhile, soft kisses heating up. Obi-Wan slipped warm hands inside Qui-Gons' tunic, pulling it off the broad shoulders.

"You are so strong" he breathed, admiring the powerful physique. The chest rippled with muscle.

Qui-Gon blushed himself. "Obi-Wan...please wear the ribbon. I want to see it."

A peck on the nose. "For you, anything." he bounded down the hallway.

Qui-Gon slid out of his pants. He pulled the cushions from the sofa and arranged them on the floor, making a pallet. His groin tightened in anticipation.

Obi-Wan could barely think. His blood raced with the same excitement he had earlier. His clothing all but dropped to the tiled floor. He reapplied scented oil before wrapping himself in the ribbon...

Qui-Gon lay on his back among the cushions, slowly pulling himself. His eyes closed slowly.

//Hurry, Obi. I need you.//

/Coming, beloved. Are you ready for me?/

//Oh yes.//

Qui-Gon smiled. It's going to be a long, hot night.


Qui-Gon abruptly sat up, teeth flashing a brilliant smile. Obi-Wan bounded towards him, oiled and lovely. Wrapped in a blue ribbon with a bow at the shoulder.

"Yessss" he panted. "Come, luscious one" muscled arms held wide.

Obi-Wan tumbled down over him as they fell into the cushions. They kissed wildly.

Qui-Gon eyed the lush body roughly. Big hands roamed over the golden thighs, squeezed the plump cheeks.

His breathing was rapid. "You...are a sight, my love. Just looking at you makes me want to burst."

Obi-Wan broke a sweat. "Don't burst yet, beloved. I'll join you soon enough" he panted, loosening the horse braid. The tumbling locks fell free.

Qui-Gon suckled his throat, slopping noisy kisses down to the hollow beneath the adams' apple. Obi-Wan arched, clutching the broad shoulders. He moaned, hands scrabbling in the long mane. The beard tickled his sensitive nipples even as a wet tongue lapped them. They poked up, plumped.

"I want to taste you" Obi-Wan was breathless. He pushed Qui-Gon on his back. The big body was too tempting to resist.

Qui-Gon squirmed as Obi-Wan licked hot skin, tasting salt. His eyes were slitted in pleasure.

"Blue...ribbon" he gasped. "Feels so good...Oh!"

The wet mouth settled on his balls, pulling them with gentle teeth. Fingers slipped inside, probing and pressing. A strong hand squeezed the cocks' head, making it drain. Obi-Wan lapped up the clear fluid.

Qui-Gon threw his legs wide, hips lifting off the cushions. Long tendrils of hair clung to his torso. His head fell back as he clutched the spiky head..

"Want me!" he shouted, pleasure fogging his brain. "Hurry..."

Obi-Wan kissed his thighs. He sucked underneath the balls, sliding tongue along the crack.

Hot green eyes looked up. "Are you ready for me?" he rasped, his own body tight with need. Qui-Gons' rigid cock stood stiffly beside his cheek.

"Yessss" Qui-Gon groaned. He was leaking again.

Obi-Wan straddled him, sweating heavily now. The bow fell away from his shoulder as the ribbon tumbled down across their torsos.

Qui-Gons' face was ruddy with love, lust. "We make...a good package."

"You've got a good package" Obi-Wan moaned as he pushed inside.

"Aack!" Teeth gritted in delight, Qui-Gon thrust down on the intrusion.

They rocked slowly, heat and friction driving them wild with desire. Tongues slopped wetly together, hips picked up speed.

/Come with me, love!/

//Yes, yes beloved...//

Long legs wrapped tightly around Obi-Wan. The powerful arms held his back in an iron grip.

"Harder....faster!!!" Qui-Gon shouted, bouncing underneath. Toes curled as his body clenched.

Obi-Wan arched back, pumping and straining. "I love you!!" he shouted, exploding into the tight heat. His body trembled as he spilled sweetly into the crevice.

Qui-Gon cried his name as he wracked underneath, firing thickly and spreading a sticky glow of warmth that coated their bellies.

Obi-Wan collapsed over him, wet with exertion. The padawan braid was plastered to his back.

He gasped for air. "I want you so much sometimes I can't think straight. You are gorgeous" he pulled a damp tail of hair from the handsome face.

Qui-Gon was likewise breathing heavily. He smiled. "I've been called many things but never that. Do you really think so?"

Obi-Wan stroked his beard. "You're the sexiest man I've ever seen. And built like a brickhouse."


"It's true. Even before we made love for the first time, I wondered what you would be like in bed. I remember being so afraid of telling you. I thought you would reject me."

Qui-Gon pulled him close, eyes closing. "And to think I pretended that the Code mattered most to me. It never did."

Obi-Wan tickled his neck. "You taste good. You smell good. And you feel good" the green eyes glowed. He still hadn't pulled out.

Qui-Gon sighed blissfully, laying back on the cushions. "Let me return the compliment" his voice was soft. He squeezed the juicy buttocks of his lover.

Obi-Wan wiggled alongside him, enjoying the contact. Qui-Gon teased the crack with long fingers.

"Force, I think I will burst" he breathed, blue eyes darkening.

Obi-Wan pulled out slowly. Qui-Gon groaned at the withdrawal.

"Come back here" he pulled his lover into a tight embrace.

Obi-Wan obliged, snuggling in close among the cushions.

"I never thought to be so happy. It's wonderful" the young man sighed, sliding soft kisses along his loves' neck.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes. "I am ever devoted to you. Beyond being Jedi, I am your lover first. But only in private."

"I understand that, love. We established the necessity of secrecy long ago."

They kissed again. Obi-Wan played with the long hair, pulling it around them both.

"A fine ending to a strange day" he nuzzled. "But will we need to be concerned about Master Windu?"

Qui-Gon thought a moment. "Perhaps. I'm uncertain as to the outcome of our little meeting today. But forewarned is forearmed."

A hot tongue teased along the full lips. "Nnmpf. What to do then?" the green eyes smouldered.

Qui-Gon captured his mouth. //Defy them. We went through enough changes realizing our love. I'll not see it debased or scorned because of stale views of proper behavior.//

Lips pulled free with a smack. "No wonder I love you so. Do you fear anything, Qui-Gon?"

Another pulling kiss. //Losing your love.//

/Never. The stars would fall from the skies first./

Qui-Gon smiled widely. "Romantic. I'm afraid it wouldn't help our case in front of a full Council review."

Obi-Wan sat up abruptly, shapely chest glistening from loving. "You think it would come to that?!" he was nearly shouting.

Qui-Gon yanked him back down. "Enough" he pressed Obi-Wan to his chest. The deep eyes roamed hotly. "That body of yours is definitely made for loving. I plan to ravage it."

Obi-Wan flushed red. "Do you ever think of anything else?"

Qui-Gon suckled a lush nipple. "In this case, no. Now be quiet" he worked the tender chest over with teasing lips and wet tongue.

"Ohhh!" Obi-Wan arched and moaned in bliss, sinking into the cushions. Long hair swept across him, tickling. His cock began to curl and lift.

The door bell rung.

Qui-Gon leaned back, turning at the sound. "Sith!!"

Obi-Wan panted, looking through his lashes. "Whoever it ed him into the living room, noting his appearance.

"My apologies for the late hour. If I've disturbed your rest-"

Qui-Gon waved him off. "Sit, be comfortable, Mace."

The Jedi Master nodded. He looked at the scattered pile of cushions on the carpet. He lifted an eyebrow.

Qui-Gon joined him on the sofa. "Can I get you anything?"

Windu shook his head. "No, I'm fine. I needed to resolve our earlier conversation. It did not end the way I wished."

Deep blue eyes darkened. "I also regret our argument. It was unecessary."

Windu folded slender hands in his lap. "First, let me say that if I am in error I apologize. Perhaps you were right. My judgement in this matter may not have been unbiased."

Qui-Gon glanced quickly towards the bedroom. "I understand. We all make mistakes."

Windu continued. "Perhaps it is deep rooted resentment from the past. Funny, I thought I had put the past away, but thinking you had a relationship with Obi-Wan just seemed to send me over the edge."

Qui-Gon was stunned. "You still feel-"

"You know what I feel, Menre. And periodically it is still awkward for me. As a Master I want to believe myself beyond such petty behavior. It isn't true by any means. I'm subject to the same frailties as anyone."

Qui-Gons' voice was low. "As am I. You know that better than anyone."

Windu nodded. Again he looked over at the cushions on the floor.


"What is?"

The piercing eyes closed momentarily. Windu looked long at Qui-Gon. "The psychic emanations here are so strong. The type of emanations that would come from a love bond. Interesting."

Qui-Gon flushed. "Meaning!"

Windu gave him a discerning look. "Accept my apology in the spirit in which it was given. However..."

Qui-Gons' eyes narrowed. "I knew it!"

Windu continued. "I'm not a fool. Are you bonded with someone?"

"Is that any of your affair? Go now, while we are still on speaking terms!"

Windu smirked. I hit a nerve. Something is up here. "We will continue to speak on this and other matters. As well you know, a Jedi of your stature must proclaim a bonded mate before the Council for acknowledgement and acceptance."

Qui-Gons' mind blanked. What? in my haste I had forgotten...

A slow smile at his confusion. "Qui-Gon, you seem almost surprised. Surely you didn't forget a tenet as old as the Jedi order itself?"

His mind scrambled for an answer. "No. No, I hadn't forgotten. But what makes you think I've bonded recently. If it were so, I'd surely tell the Council..."

"Is there a reason you wouldn't?" dark eyes bored deep.

Obi-Wan was tired of waiting. He had wrapped himself in his favorite robe of plush velvet. He peeped down the hallway.

I sense another Jedi, but who? Can't make out what they're talking about either. Perhaps it's someone I know.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Obi-Wan left the bedroom.

Qui-Gon looked away. "I thought you were here to make peace. Now I see it was a charade."

Windu folded his arms, settling back. "The past can be a great teacher. We had our time together, Qui-Gon" he smiled serenely.

Qui-Gon stared at him. The blue eyes went wide. "What...are you talking about?"

Another secret smile. "Rarely are you so off-balance. I wonder why-"

Obi-Wan strutted into the room. "So who's keeping-" he froze in shock, seeing Windu.

Sith, not for the second time in one day!

Windu lifted an eyebrow at him smugly. "It would seem that my attendance disturbs you, padawan."

Obi-Wan bowed nervously. "Greetings, Master Windu. I...ah, was playing chess with my Master. When he answered the door and didn't return I became curious."

Windu stared at him, noting his appearance. The spiky hair was disheveled, the face flush. Lips plump. And the fine neck sported the most intriguing marks. He was barefoot and barelegged under his robe.

Windu pulled at his chin. "So, Obi-Wan. We meet again this curious day. How goes your game. Did knight take pawn?"

"Mace-" Qui-Gon warned.

"No. King to Queen's level three" Obi-Wan retorted. He couldn't quite hide the annoyance in his voice. "I am surprised you paid us this visit, Master Windu."

Mace glanced at Qui-Gon. "You were speaking of charades?" he stood, observing Obi-Wan up close.

"No doubt about it" dark eyes looked down again, over towards the cushions on the floor.

"Mace, it is late. Unless there's something else-" Qui-Gon began.

Windu looked at him slyly. "Why, Qui-Gon. Did I interrupt anything?"

Obi-Wan glared at him. The green eyes flashed in silence.

Qui-Gon stood. "This conversation is taking a turn for the worse. Perhaps we all need rest."

"True. But that clearly wasn't the only need here."

"I fail to understand these riddles" Obi-Wan was irritated.

Long dusky fingers held the fine chin. "Obi-Wan" Windu looked at him pointedly. "I have been called many things. Stupid is not one of them."

Obi-Wan blinked. "I never said-"

Qui-Gon moved closer, feeling possessive. "Enough, Mace. You are no longer welcome here tonight. I won't say it again."

"Then don't. You resent it when I touch him?"

"You're out of line!"

Windu spun on him. "No more lies and secrets, Qui-Gon! And as far as being out of flirt with being expunged."

"My master is the finest Jedi this side of the Council" Obi-Wan defended. "You have no right to insult him!"

Windu paced the room. "Such defense of a lover. Both of you hear me. I have no proof of your affair. But don't make the mistake of thinking that nothing can happen because of it. One slip. That's all I'll need. Were it left up to me, I'd haul your butts before the entire Council tomorrow morning."

Qui-Gon chose his words carefully, muting his anger. "What makes you say that we're having an affair. As stated, you have no proof."

Obi-Wan glanced at him.

"I don't need to see you rolling on the floor to be convinced" Windu indicated the scattered cushions.

"That's uncalled for!!" Obi-Wan blasted. "Accusations are one thing-"

"Enough! Deny it if you dare. Don't compound the problem further!"

Obi-Wan glared at him in silence.

"It would seem your protestations die on the vine. How long has this been going on?!" the dark eyes were demanding.

Qui-Gon stood in front of him. "What do you want, a confession?! You'll get none here!!"

"I expected as much from you, Qui-Gon. Whenever your secrets are exposed you retreat into anger and denial. Strange, considering how in the past you denied yourself little-"

"Stop! You'll not misrepresent me to Obi-Wan!!"

"Explain, please" Obi-Wan insisted. "None of us are apparently going anywhere."

Windu calmed himself, thinking. "How to say this? Your master has rather..legendary appetites."

"We'll have our own private session with Yoda soon enough. Perhaps only one of us will come out" Qui-Gon said through his teeth.

"The joys of corruption??" Windu challenged.

"The insufferable arrogance of a Jedi Master??" Qui-Gon retorted.

"You think to flaunt this shame before me? No doubt I interrupted you this evening. This room is alive with psychic energy. Energy that could only come from a bonded couple."

"You seem convinced" Obi-Wan was subdued.

"Your protestations are weak here, and I know why. You've been lovers in secrecy, because there's no way in Sith the Council would approve such a pairing. Your fate is sealed, in any case."

"No proof!" Obi-Wan insisted. "Have we been negligent in our duties? Erratic or harmful in our behavior? You would mete out punishment based on your own suspicions!"

"Mind your tongue, padawan. I won't continue to go round with you on this. And your very answer is a confession. Shame often prevents full disclosure."

"Shame?!" Qui-Gon bellowed, his temper finally blowing. "You Snekt!!"

"Boolwek!!" the two Masters stood nose to nose.

"Enough!!" Obi-Wan squeezed between them, pushing them apart.

Stunned realization hit them.

Qui-Gon stood off, pushing his hands in his robe pockets. "This isn't the time nor place. You think to disgrace me in front of my padawan."

"That isn't possible" Obi-Wan told him.

"You disgrace yourself, Qui-Gon" Windu told him. "So be it. You and your lover enjoy your time together. I guarantee you it will be short. And I will have proof, eventually. Expect to be called to the Council Board once it happens. Then we'll get to the bottom of this swamp!"

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were stunned to silence by the venom. Windu turned to leave.

"Goodnight. This conversation will not come up again from me."

Qui-Gon curled a lip at him. "So get out already" his voice was flat.

"Be prepared" the Jedi Master stormed out.

Obi-Wan closed his eyes.

Qui-Gon went to him. "Obi-Wan?"

Shaky voice. "We'll...have to stop now. There's no choice."

Qui-Gon went to him. "No! I refuse to believe that."

"Shut out...and alone" Obi-Wan continued, voice dropping.

Qui-Gon shook him. "Stop this. He has nothing. Is our love so weak?"

Emerald eyes suspiciously wet. "No, but-"

"Then I'll hear no more talk of defeat. None!"

Muscled arms crushed Obi-Wan close. He returned the embrace fiercely.

"Perhaps you're right" he buried his face along the strong neck.

They held each other a few moments, gathering their thoughts. Qui-Gon took a deep breath, holding his love's chin.

"Obi-Wan, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my life. Can you understand what that means to me?"

Tears began to run freely. "Yes" hoarse whisper. "I feel the same way, you know that."

Deep blue eyes smouldered with intensity. "And can we be defeated unless we allow it?" he thumbed away wetness from the perfect cheekbones.

Obi-Wan leaned in, kissing him softly. /No, beloved. I care nothing of Windu's threats. Let him choke on his own poison./

Qui-Gon closed his eyes into the kiss. //He is bitter and frustrated. Ever has jealousy ruled his actions in the end. That is why...//

Obi-Wan pulled his lips free. "I know you were lovers in the past, but..."

Qui-Gon shook his head. "Not exactly. We were intimate friends, you might say. But our minds did not have harmony, and our souls didn't connect on that level. He has resented me for it ever since."

Obi-Wan frowned. "That's insane! He's angry because you didn't feel the same way??"

Qui-Gon took his hand, led him to the couch. "I'm afraid so. We were both so very young. He was possessive and controlled, and I...I was wild."

They sat. Obi-Wan leaned into him, jade eyes soft.

"Well, it's clear some things don't change, thank the force."

The lions' mane hung in a sexy tangle around the strong face.

"You think me wild?" the deep voice was velvet, eyes sparkling like sapphires.

Obi-Wan stroked the muscled chest underneath the robe. He was glowing now.

"Handsome and warrior" he panted, looking up through his lashes.

Qui-Gon came apart. He grabbed Obi-Wan, capturing him in a voracious kiss. They tumbled to the floor.

Obi-Wan clutched him. " beloved. Come" he struggled out of the vise like hold, gaining his feet.

Qui-Gon immediately gripped him again, feeling him tightly. The big hands squeezed muscled curves.

The blazing eyes were lidded. "You drive me crazy, Obi-Wan" the hands moved up, cupping the fine face.

"Hmm" green eyes lowered. The plump lips smiled at him. "Told you. Still wild" he tasted the silky lips.

//Force, you test the limits of my control// Qui-Gon all but dragged him toward the bedroom.

They made it, but barely. Robes were ripped away as they fell to the mattress.

Qui-Gon sat up, admiring his love even as his hands roamed. The smooth, silky skin rippled to his touch.

"Touch me everywhere" Obi-Wan whispered, his eyes closed.

"I will" the deep voice resonated. "I must" the eyes were hot with lust. He picked up a few stray rose petals, sprinkling them on the lush body.

Bearded lips teased and caressed along golden thighs. The long mane draped across a muscled torso, tickling. Obi-Wan played with the tail of hair, teasing it over his chest.

"Closer, beloved. I ache for you."

As if in answer his cock popped up, bouncing high. Qui-Gon pulled it slowly.


The air was heavy with musk. Qui-Gon was flushed, ready. A fine sheen of moisture shone on his powerful frame.

"Can barely hold myself, Obi" his own cock was beginning to drain, bobbing wildly.

Obi-Wan rolled the shaft between his hands. "Shh." Strong fingers teased and pulled the heavy balls, massaging them.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes, groaning in satisfaction. He flopped to his side. Obi-Wan rubbed both cocks together with his hands, rolling his palms over the silky heads.

"Ohhhh. That feels so good, my Obi" the big body bucked up, arching.

Obi-Wan stroked both shafts faster, hips grinding in close. He reached around his lover, raking fingertips along the crevice.

Qui-Gon cried out. Lunging forward, he suckled the plush nipples. Hot tongue lapped them, then teeth nipping gently. The lions' head moved up, tongue trailing along the collarbone to the side of the neck. He sucked underneath the smooth jaw.

Obi-Wan fell back, eyes rolling in pleasure. He gripped the muscled ass, wrapping legs around. /Inside me. Now!!/

Hot flesh slid together wetly, cocks puffed and draining. Slithering tongues pushed and teased.

Breaking from the kiss Obi-Wan rolled on his stomach, throwing his legs wide.

Rasping with desire Qui-Gon parted the cheeks, thumbing them slowly then poking fingers inside.

"Ughh!" Obi-Wan arched up, grimacing in delight as the hands probed him deeply. A sweet tickle danced in his backside, heating his balls. He bucked back over the hand. It slipped inside him, stretching and hot.

"Now!!" he shouted, heaving as pearly thickness eased from his cock. He was coming.

"Yessss" Qui-Gon was blind with heat. He slipped inside the lush cheeks, pumping them hard. Thick thighs banged as he thrust. Qui-Gon leaned forward, reaching underneath Obi-Wan who moved in rhythm with his thrusts. He pulled the fat nipples, tweaking them.

" you!!" Obi-Wan shouted as Qui-Gon bounced over him, filling him with sticky heat. Their minds touched. The room was awash with psychic light.

They shuddered, collapsing on the bed.

"Ghods, Obi" Qui-Gon whispered, licking his ear. Muscled arms held him tightly from behind.

Obi-Wan smiled softly. "I know" he rolled over. "Kiss me."

The lion head leaned in. "Gladly" he obliged him. Their lips touched tenderly at first. It was never enough. Heat flared between them again, as it always did. They stroked each other wildly.

Qui-Gon pulled up. Cerulean eyes shone with tenderness.

"If I have to battle the entire Council for your love I will, Obi-Wan."

Jade eyes smouldered under a serene smile. "No doubt they would lose. Perhaps it's best you aren't on the Council. I think your fire would consume them all" red lashes lowered. "You would not battle alone."

Qui-Gon kissed those lashes, feeling a tickle against his lips. "So lovely. I am aware of Windu's machinations, but they will come to no avail."

Obi-Wan nuzzled. "You think he is manipulating behind the scenes?"

Qui-Gon lifted his hand, using a touch of the force to turn the lights off.

"Let him" the deep voice rumbled.

Another nuzzle. "True. Two can play" Obi-Wan agreed. He smiled in the dark, pulling blankets over them both. They settled in.

"But I'd rather play with you right now, lover" fine hands squeezed the heavy sacs. Strong hips jerked in response.

"Obi-Wannn!!" Qui-Gon squirted thickly.

Obi-Wan laughed softly in the moonlight.

Windu brooded in his study, obssession gripping him.

You've won nothing. The idea of you taking up with a padawan disgusts me. So keep your secrets and lies, Qui-Gon. I will expose them in time. We'll see how you withstand a full Council review.

He tapped his stylus on the desk. I need proof. And if you hate me, so be it. It will be worth it to get you away from Obi-Wan. If I can't have you, neither will he.

"Fool" he said aloud to himself. "I am the best thing for you. You're so smitten with that tender body and fine face. We'll see just how deep your love goes."

Rising, he reached for his cloak. He needed to make plans.